Author Topic: Cosmo's been insulted  (Read 1303 times)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Cosmo's been insulted
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2009, 02:57:29 AM »

What a wicked lady  :naughty:

Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: Cosmo's been insulted
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2009, 20:29:46 PM »
Aw poor Cosmo, my baby is a we bit on he large side but i say he's big boned

 :Luv: to Cosmo
Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline The Duchess

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Cosmo's been insulted
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2009, 20:26:24 PM »
had a so-called friend round recently and she was happily stroking Jessie when she said: 'which one's this?' when I explained it was Jessie she said 'oh, yes, Cosmo - he's the FAT one!' >:(

Now I know he's not the world's most elegant cat and could be described as a tad 'heavy pawed' when he jumps down but even so :P I'm border-line OCD when it comes to measuring out their food so they don't get more than they should.

 :tired: doesn't exactly help my argument when he's spent the last half hour flicking kibble out of the bowl piece by piece and merrily hoovered it up so there's none left...


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