Can anyone help please? My hairdresser has taken in a cat who was found living as a stray. This was about 10-12 weeks ago. She already has 3 cats and a dog, who all get along. She also has 3 children (10-16 years). The new puss cat has taken to living in the utility room, where there is no heating, and when she comes into contact with the dog or the cats she is aggressive towards them. When she first moved in she slept up in my hairdresser's bedroom but now she prefers to sleep in the utility room. She is litter trained, eats well, but has shown no desire whatsoever to go out since being there. She is about 8 years of age. My friend does not know what to do about her and would value some advice? She is talking of trying to rehouse her, and I am encouraging her to persevere. Does anyone have any advice please?