We went to get her at 5 ,shes fine ,the vet said she had been hiding under her blanket in her carrier till she heard my voice then she quickly showed her face and started purrring
when we got in the others were all happy to c her ,she eat a bit of food
then the little madame started licking her wound so the head collar has had to go on
is it ok for her to have it on over night while we r asleep and cant watch her , she sleeps in our room thou so its not as if she will b on her own , what about if i go out do i need to keep it on her or take it off ?
how long do i need to keep it on for ?not the whole 10 tens till stitches r removed surely???????
my other cats didnt lick or pick at theres till about the 6th or 7th day .
im so glad shes home n ok anyway and least she been done now .