Author Topic: the One Show BBC  (Read 1309 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: the One Show BBC
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2009, 18:41:18 PM »
no mention of neutering or getting squashed by cars
Or well meaning people taking the kitten away as its considered too small to be out alone, theres no hope when vets speel out crap to people  :tired:

Offline Den

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Re: the One Show BBC
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2009, 13:45:25 PM »
My friend has a Savannah house cat and he's perfectly normal. I think he's an F2b or something. He's no trouble whatsoever and like you say, not much different to a Bengal.

To be honest I dont know where the One Show finds these people. There's been a lot of discussion on some dog forums because apparently one of the 'trainers' was using outdated methods which are not recommended - I didn't watch it, so just saying what I read.

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Offline Dawn F

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the One Show BBC
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2009, 13:33:55 PM »
don't normally see much tv in the evenings but have seen this the last couple of nights

on Tuesday Keith Allen was told by the resident vet it was ok to let his kitten out "a couple of weeks" after second injections (he was already letting it out apparently because "you can't keep them in") - no mention of neutering or getting squashed by cars

yesterday they were discussing the savannah cat, ok I know not everyone agrees with cross breeding but they exist and they aren't so different from a bengal which I have at home myself - the danger to wildlife was mentioned and how it would be impossible to sleep at night with it in the house and even cats past F5 "reverting"  :(

is it me - should I get out more!!


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