Well I've not been around much recently- had so much going on at work and at home and I found not even the time to come online. Had lots of sad reading to catch up with but there is a little ray of sunshine which will hopefully make you all smile in amongst all the sadness. (So sorry to all who have lost their babies recently
Well my branch of CP got a call last Monday from a lady who had found some kittens in a box on an industrial estate. She said there were 4 and they were abandoned but by the time our welfare coordinator got there, mum had been back for 2, leaving a kitten who had sadly died and a tiny ginger and white kitten of about 3 days old. We quickly got him to safety and our vets and welfare team have been hand rearing him. Dispite his sad start, he is such a little fighter and is a really strong little kitten!
I spent the afternoon with him today, he's grown so much and has now opened his eyes (he's 12 days old now) and is getting very active! He even purred for me and loved having his little tum tickled! I'm going to have him to stay for a couple of days soon as we're all taking our turn as he needs 3 hourly night feeds.