Author Topic: someone is trying to entice my cat away  (Read 3241 times)

Offline naboocat

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2009, 23:20:51 PM »
Have you phoned any rescue shelters to find out if the cat's missing though?

My cat wandered 2 miles away yesterday,  I'm not going to go that far to knock on doors, so hoping the person who's found him will be responsible & phone around. The cat you've taken in may well be chipped

Offline louise_81

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2009, 23:14:23 PM »
 :-[ :-[

I have to say I have done this before today, but it was never intentional.  I fed it tuna one day in the garden, and he had no collar on , then it sat on the window ledge with sad eyes, before you know it he was in my house on my bed and I was buying food for it.
He was never locked in, there was always a window open and I have never found out who the owner was, dispite asking!

However,  in my defence,  I was never a cat person until I met this cat, now I have two !!  ekk thanks thats how all this happened!!!

Obviously you have made the person aware that it is a well cared for cat, and the situation although similar is different in that no one came round, I have not kept it from going home, and I have eventually got my own cats!

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2009, 23:03:26 PM »
and when you think of all the unwanted cats out there, waiting in rescues for a good home, why on earth don't these people take one of them home instead of trying to share, to put it in its best light, someone else's much wanted cat :Crazy:
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Offline tansy

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2009, 22:42:39 PM »
Its worrying isnt it. People just taking cats and keeping them as their own. A friend of my OH said his parents had a new cat. I said to him, oh didnt realise they had gotten a cat, and he said hes from over the back. I was like what do you mean, and he said that it just came to live with them - it chose them. Biggest load of **** I cant believe people have this mentality. It comes to you because you entice it and feed it and lock it in  :censored:
One of my cats goes for 24 hours sometimes. Hes a greedy butter, so when he misses 2 meals I know something is up! Hes also overweight so I have been feeding him to try and make him lose weight, and hes still gaining. So it seems obvious someone else is feeding him, and probebly having him in there house. I just wish I knew who it was, and I would go round. I even bought a collar with printed big capital black letters all the way round saying, MEDICAL DIET DO NOT FEED. But doesnt seem whoever it is is paying any attention. I wish there was more you can do about it. Hope you all get it sorted soon  :hug:
I simply do not understand these people if someone took their child would they think it's acceptable?It is so awful that as regards cats there is seemingly nothing in law to help people whos pet a member of their family has been stolen.I do hope things are resolved for you.

Offline tansy

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2009, 22:33:02 PM »
I'm having the same problem at the moment.
Our neighbour has been letting our cat in their house, has renamed him & been feeding him & treating him as their own.
We kept him indoors for a few days til we got a collar for him even though they know he's ours.
We let him out last night for the 1st time since Wed with new collar & he hasn't come home since.
I've just been round & asked if they'd seen him, neighbour looked very uneasy & claimed he hasn't seen him for days, even though we stood & talked yesterday about our cat with the cat sitting next to us. I asked him not to let him in the house again.
I do believe they've stolen him, they don't have a cat flap so he can't get out  :(
I am so sorry you have stupid neighbours too.If these idiots would only understand the anguish caused when your beloved cannot be found in her usual places.Hope you can resolve the matter.My girl is inside now more than she has been since after being spayed at 6 months she was finally allowed out as she chose.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2009, 19:05:48 PM »
A purrs member Roz has managed to proof many a challenging garden with her securacat system, im not sure where i put her number  :doh: but im sure some kind person reading this could let you know, it would definately be worth ringing her and seeing what she can suggest  ;D

If they were to cause criminal damage to your property then you could report them

Offline tansy

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2009, 23:31:30 PM »
If your walled all around then you could easily make your garden one big pen by using netting to cat proof, something to think about  ;D theres lots of pcis and info if you need it.
Fingers crossed you can sort it the easy way tho!
Not easily at all.It is on lots of different heights and levels plus our stone built shed is sideways on to his garden and if we could find a way of fencing it off he could easily cut the fencing from his side and we would not know.Our garden is five feet higher than his in some places.We seriously thought about this but can't find a way to do it 'cos of the layout.Thanks for your suggestion.

Offline michelle_w

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2009, 12:24:44 PM »
Its worrying isnt it. People just taking cats and keeping them as their own. A friend of my OH said his parents had a new cat. I said to him, oh didnt realise they had gotten a cat, and he said hes from over the back. I was like what do you mean, and he said that it just came to live with them - it chose them. Biggest load of **** I cant believe people have this mentality. It comes to you because you entice it and feed it and lock it in  :censored:

One of my cats goes for 24 hours sometimes. Hes a greedy butter, so when he misses 2 meals I know something is up! Hes also overweight so I have been feeding him to try and make him lose weight, and hes still gaining. So it seems obvious someone else is feeding him, and probebly having him in there house. I just wish I knew who it was, and I would go round. I even bought a collar with printed big capital black letters all the way round saying, MEDICAL DIET DO NOT FEED. But doesnt seem whoever it is is paying any attention. I wish there was more you can do about it. Hope you all get it sorted soon  :hug:

Offline naboocat

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2009, 11:35:03 AM »
I'm having the same problem at the moment.
Our neighbour has been letting our cat in their house, has renamed him & been feeding him & treating him as their own.

We kept him indoors for a few days til we got a collar for him even though they know he's ours.

We let him out last night for the 1st time since Wed with new collar & he hasn't come home since.

I've just been round & asked if they'd seen him, neighbour looked very uneasy & claimed he hasn't seen him for days, even though we stood & talked yesterday about our cat with the cat sitting next to us. I asked him not to let him in the house again.
I do believe they've stolen him, they don't have a cat flap so he can't get out  :(

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2009, 20:20:17 PM »
If your walled all around then you could easily make your garden one big pen by using netting to cat proof, something to think about  ;D theres lots of pcis and info if you need it.
Fingers crossed you can sort it the easy way tho!

Offline tansy

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2009, 20:01:07 PM »
If he was really allergic then her being in when hes at work would be enough to affect him, would be much better if they adopted their own but they probably dont want the other expenses!
Is she microchipped? If not id get this done asap, only way of proving ownership.
He's obviously lying or as you say he would be affected.I deliberately called over the wall for her this morning he was smoking on the doorstep and wasn't best pleased when I asked him had he seen her!New plan in operation is call her in as I did this am keep her locked in for about 2 hrs let her out for a stroll then call her in for evening meal and keep her in only opening cat door at about 1am.Ours is an enclosed back garden area all gardens are long and back to back.All my pets are microchipped best idea ever invented.Thanks for your reply.The wimp in me has departed and the fighting spirit hss returned.If all else fails I will buy her a cat chalet.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2009, 19:33:20 PM »
If he was really allergic then her being in when hes at work would be enough to affect him, would be much better if they adopted their own but they probably dont want the other expenses!
Is she microchipped? If not id get this done asap, only way of proving ownership.

Offline tansy

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2009, 00:12:29 AM »
it's a pity she doesn't indulge in a spot of spraying when in their house - that would soon see her back out on the street :rofl:
is the girlfriend at home all day?
She doesn't spray mores the pity she claws the furniture though not in their house seemingly.The girlfriend seems to work part time and he works shifts so 1 of them is around.This has really helped me talking about this they are NOT stealing my girl I've had her and her sister from 6 weeks old they mean everything to me.

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2009, 23:48:09 PM »
it's a pity she doesn't indulge in a spot of spraying when in their house - that would soon see her back out on the street :rofl:

is the girlfriend at home all day?
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Offline tansy

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2009, 23:23:40 PM »
Thanks for your reply they know how much I love my cats all 4 of them .Tonight Iv'e locked them all in and 3 of them are asleep all around me including my girl .My husband thought I was exaggerating when i told him of my fears weeks ago but he heard what was said and now he's concerned.I have calmly and pleasently asked him not to allow her in the house but I get the feeling it's some sort of game so I don't want to let them know how upset I really am.Going to open the cat door early morning and keep her in more such a shame as of the 4 she loves the outdoors most.

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2009, 23:02:08 PM »
I think you are going to have to try to talk calmly to this man and his girlfriend - let them know how much you love your cat, and how frightened you are that she will not come home if they keep encouraging her

perhaps they might be up for rehoming a cat that needs a home - I would certainly suggest it to them - in fact I would probably do a bit of research first and find out about any particular cats looking for homes in your area, to tempt them with - as although this is very worrying and distressing for you, it does sound as if they might be a good bet for a cat genuinely in need

but if that doesn't stop them, I think you will have to consider keeping her in during the day, or catproofing your garden
Robert A. Heinlein:
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Offline tansy

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someone is trying to entice my cat away
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2009, 22:42:53 PM »
A newish neighbour seemingly ok told me he is allergic to cats.Although I asked him not to let my girl into his house whenever I call her thats where she is.His girlfriend is besotted with my cat and lets her into the house when he is at work.So far she comes back when I call her for food but I'm worried at some point she won't come back.An I overreacting?Tonight I called her and he called "has she come back to you she'been on our sofa and in our bedroom all evening and we're very happy with her.Help please.


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