My cat, Toby, had major surgery last weekend to have a eye removed. He came home on Monday, ate his tea ok and continued to eat on Tuesday. However, since then he has only been 'nibbling' and thats only when I really push him into it. He went back to the vets yesterday a day early for a check-up. They gave him a long-acting antibiotic injection and I was hoping that would have made a difference (he had pills initially but of course wouldn't take them in his food and there was no way I was going to pill him with his face being like it is right now).
Anyway, I'm really worried. How do I get him to eat something? And why isnt he eating anyway? The vet said he wound looked good and it hasn't caused him any problems. Anyone else had this sort of experience?
He is FIV+ by the way, but his eye problem was unrelated to the virus.