Author Topic: Rules for the Rainbow Bridge Class  (Read 1667 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

  • Rainbow Bridge/Rescue/Moderating Staff
  • Purrrrrfect Cat
  • *****
  • Posts: 73567
  • Misa at 4yrs old and new with me
  • Slave to: Misa, Sasa, Franta Napoleon RIP, Ducha RIP and Lupin, Kocka RIP
Rules for the Rainbow Bridge Class
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2007, 00:23:41 AM »
Please send your pictures and text to  Celebrate the Life of your Purr on Rainbow Bridge to Gill, Tan or Ellie from 1 May and entries can be sent for this no judging class until the closure of the Cat Show on Mid-Summers Eve.

Entry will be £1 per cat/picture as for the main show but you can put up to 4 pictures of each cat on every post. If you want to celebrate the life of a Rainbow Bridge cat that you do not have a picture of, that is OK too and it will be £1 per cat.

Entrance fees are to be sent to the paypal account, as for the rest of the show.


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