Hi all,
Just to give an update on the saga of Bertie's never-ending struvite crystals saga! Methigel ordered online arrived 2 weeks ago and he took to it well - sometimes eats it from a spoon and sometimes turns his nose up, in which case I just smear it on his paws and he eats it from there.
Did a ph test at home last week after he'd been on the Methigel for seven days, and it was 6.5, compared to the 7.5 of the previous week, so he got a big congratulatory cuddle from me and I felt relieved that we finally seemed to have done something that worked!
But then this morning I did another ph test to check how he was getting on - and it was 8.5 - the highest it's ever been!!!!! I just can't understand what's happened - I even did the test four times because I couldn't believe it was so high. I'm hoping that perhaps there were some cleaning fluids in the litter tray or something. and am going to test him again over the weekend.
I just despair!