Update on Lady,
I got up this morning and went for a shower. I thought i would collect Lady from the bedroom when id'e finished. Hubby went off downsairs to feed the rest of the cats. When i got out the shower i found Lady sitting at the top of the stairs looking down, tears ran down my face because she had walked from the other side of the bedroom to get to the stairs bless her. I shouted hubby and he came to the bottom of the stairs he called her and she managed to get down 3 steps so hubby came up to get her. She protested very loudly for being picked up. He popped her on the kitchen floor and she had a little walk round.
She then headed back for the stairs and climbed all the way to the top. Sadly i had to bring her back down again to feed her and give her, her tablet. I put it in her food but after quite some time she had not touched her food so i had to give her another tablet via pet pill popper. While she was in a bad mood anyway i took the opportunity to clean her eyes.
I eventually got her to eat around late afternoon. I will get some new pics of her tomorrow. She still sits round looking so misrable and does'nt want to do anything.
Does anyone have any idea's what i can give her to build her up quicker and give her a bit of energy??