Author Topic: Nervous Carrie  (Read 1807 times)

Offline Bren22

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2009, 11:50:14 AM »
Thanks, I'll check it out.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2009, 15:08:19 PM »
Heres the link if your interested  ;D

Offline Bren22

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2009, 09:15:03 AM »
 :P :P OMG! That basket sounds like it could work if I could corner her somewhere.  Poor Carrie, I dread her becoming poorly because then she would become really traumatised.  Having said that, if she was poorly enough to need emergency vet care she would probably be more catchable.  Luckily she's a really healthy girl and even with all her eccentricities I love her to bits.

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2009, 20:34:48 PM »
Sasa would be too quick for that basket LOL.......she can move so much quicker than me LOL

Will have to search on that basket though just out of curiosity  :shify:

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2009, 19:18:56 PM »
Do you move her down to a small room with less furniture in first? Sometimes i have to close doors down until i get said target into a 'controlled' area  :innocent:
Have you heard of a basket called 'nurses best friend'? It has a slide out bottom and you place the basket over the cat and then slide the base in. Would you be able to get that near her?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2009, 18:35:35 PM »
My cat Sasa sounds like Carrie and the only way I can get her in a cage is to trap her in a corner of a room , using the cage with a towel over it.

I have to prepare properly first though and usually fail before I succeed. First I have to arrange that the vet will see her when I catch her, then I have to gradually shut all doors so she ends up in the room I want.....the hall is the best.

At this point she starts to cry pityfully cos she realizes she cant get out.

Must remember to block the stairs too or she rushes up stairs!

I then try to get her to one end of the hall and move the cage with its door open to its place to trap her and then its patience cos she will sorta freeze and its the only time I can get near enough to stroke her, so I stroke and talk gentley and start to try to gently push her towards the cage. Eventually she runs in and then its always hard to shut the door cos the cage is not that small and the whole end opens.

Then we get in the car and have about an hour drive to vets, she crys a bit but settles quite quick. I always take her by herself.

The vet is wonderful with her and she will freeze long enought to be checked a bit and boostered, she also was chipped the first time. :Lasy year she had to be sedated and stayed there over night cos I wanted her fully checked out and her patience is not long enough for that.

Its now booster time and I dread this.

Offline Bren22

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2009, 09:03:19 AM »
 >:(I bought a laser light thingy yesterday to see if she was interested - all the others love it but Carrie's scared of it.  I've different sorts of carriers but the only one there's any hope of getting her in is the top opening one.  The one time I succeeded with her I borrowed a wire carrier from Judith and the vet was able to do the examination and injections through it.  If I could actually get her in my hands  I could get her in the box but the moment you put any pressure at all on her she moves so fast there's no hope of catching her.  I've even tried throwing a towel over her with no luck.  Thanks for all the ideas, I'll keep working on it.  Luckily my old mum lives next door and she can manage to feed Carrie while I'm away and Carrie will probably enjoy the break from the other cats!

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2009, 18:25:52 PM »
Shes gorgeous  :Luv2: what kind of carrier are you trying with?

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2009, 12:55:13 PM »
I have several cat carriers located in various places so my lot have no problem going in them ;D as they often play hide in them
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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2009, 12:53:48 PM »
my local cattery will take a cat to the vet if requested, so if yours will too that might help re the vaccinations, as Carrie would only have to go through one capture
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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2009, 12:28:04 PM »
I have a similar probelm with baxter, he's an ex-feral as well had hates the vets. I keep a carrier in the living room like Bazmum does so they are all used to it, and it doesn't set alarms off when I get it out. I usually sit it in the middle of the living room and bring out his favourite treat and sit next to the box. As he is sitting next to the box nibbling on it I kinda give him a gentle push into the carrier.

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Nervous Carrie
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2009, 12:04:34 PM »
First of all "Well Done" you for taking this babe on!  ;D

Its really hard with nervous cats especially ex ferals, if from time to time she will sit on your lap then "Wow" what a head start! Does she like to play? Maybe the laser could get her to go in after it or a bit of cat nip etc? I leave my carriers all over the place with the doors off just so the puds arnt afraid of them, even my Blackie goes in for a hide out every so often and he is that fierce he will never get to the point of sitting on ones knee!  :(

Patience is the answer here, they are very wise as you know, the main thing is not to get stressed over anything as they pick up on our stresses so easily!  ;)

Good L:uck with putting her in the carrier, I know its not easy but sometimes you just have to grab them...whichever you feel fit!  :Luv: :hug:

Offline Bren22

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Nervous Carrie
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2009, 11:54:28 AM »
 :'(Early last year I went on holiday and put my cat Jasper (huge, black, fluffy,bowling ball with legs) in my usual cattery and casually mentioned I might consider another cat when I got back.  Coincidentally they were currently boarding a cat for Covcats as there were no fosterers free.  So, in my innocence I took a look at her, and said that if Jasper and Tinkerbell got on OK I'd consider it.  So I took two cats home with me!  I renamed her Carrie and although extremely nervous, she accepted me.  I have since found out a bit more of her history and it turns out she's partly feral which explains my problem.  I cannot, just cannot, catch her to put her in a carrier to take her either to the vet's or the cattery.  I succeeded once by putting food in and moving it further in day by day until she had to go right in.  But she's highly intelligent and won't fall for that one again.  I want to continue with her vaccinations and to board her while I'm on holiday ( I have since rescued another cat and am now a Covcat fosterer).  Any hints on how to get her to accept being held, or picked up would be greatfully received.  She does sit on my lap occasionally if all is quiet, but jumps a mile at the slightest noise or movement.


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