Hmm well Woody has been here about a month or so and is doing really well! He's put in weight and the sore on his head is now bout a third of the size it was. He's stopped puking and pooing everywhere and has settled exceptionally well!
Things with introducing Katie is not going so well though and I just don't know whether it will settle... (Woody will stay here for a bit anyway as we've no space anywhere else)
Ok so Woody is in our room and Katie has the rest of the flat (living room, kitchen and bathroom). When Woody is laid on the bed and we encourage Katie in there, she hisses, but is OK and eats his food and walks out, BUT, if Woody comes into the rest of the flat, she goes loopy.
She hisses lots at him, but doesn't go for him at all. He wants to make friends and so trots over and she thinks he's going for her so she turns to walk away, he thinks she's playing and then they end up him chasing her, making God awful noises until she runs into the airing cupboard to hide!!!
We did have her on the windowledge yesterday and Woody asleep on my lap and she seems to be OK (ish) if he stays away from her. She was also OK when friends were round fussing Woody and she curled up on the chair (I think safe knowing he was occupied)
Any advice???? Is it just a case of taking it slowly?