So Bonds favourite toy was a little plastic cage ball with a bell in it. His favourite place to play with said toy is on the wooden floors for obvious reasons. The wooden floors are in the hall, kitchen and bedroom
His favourite time to play? Just as I'm going to bed and then at intervals through the night
So that was backfire number 1.
I went to the pet shop tonight to get litter and food. While there I picked up three other toys and an activity tree centre thingy. Crinkle ball is Milo's, she rather likes that one. Soft glittery pom pom type affair, studiously ignored by all
Little wee rattly mouse? Bond again. Favourite place to play with new mouse? Against the bedroom wall. Throws it and attacks it against the wall
He's very possessive of it too, much to my amusement, keeps grumbling is the new boy tries join in the game
Activity tree thingy, which I think is magnificent and was also half price and has taken a large part of my food budget due to bills arriving this week, has gone down like a lead balloon. Not so much as a sniff. I put it in the lounge and nobody has gone near it. I would put it in the hall but it's not a big hall and the litter tray and scratching post and a couple of water dishes are already scattered about out there.
Oh another favourite middle of the night activity of Bonds is trying to dig to Africa, very noisily, in the litter tray, in the hall, for extended periods. It's a middle of the night obsession and only fun for him
Now I remember why I said my next cat wouldn't be a kitten, I want my sleep back but apparently the universe has other ideas...................