Author Topic: Stray cat?  (Read 2684 times)

Offline madasacatter

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Re: Stray cat?
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2009, 16:26:12 PM »
The cat has been to the vets and I have had her weighed.  She still remains at 3 kilos, but the weight  has shifted from her chest to elsewhere.  My regular vet doesn't think she is in kitten, so we gave her a Milbemax to try and help her gain some weight, just in case she had some worms lurking inside her.  It was Milbemax or 3 large doses of Panacur paste otherwise, so we opted for the tablet, as we figured she wouldn't thank us for a dose every day for three days of the paste!  Plus the vet gave her the tablet, and I have not got a cat who thinks I am horrid or any scratches!

So we will hold onto her a bit longer and then we will see about getting her spayed, but I would like her to put some condition on first.  I think she will be a good sized cat, as the vet and I think she is only about 8-9 months old.
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Re: Stray cat?
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2009, 08:40:20 AM »
really pleased to hear that mum seems to be doing well.  Fingers crossed she will find her forever home soon and make a full recovery.
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Offline madasacatter

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Re: Stray cat?
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2009, 18:50:53 PM »
She has settled in well.  Her antibiotic injection has perked her up to be eating well again.  She is resting at the moment, I hope she soon gains some weight as she rests.

She took her small antibiotic tablet this morning really well, and doesn't seem to have held it against me so far! :shify:
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Stray cat?
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2009, 14:07:22 PM »
glad she is safe now

Offline madasacatter

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Re: Stray cat?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2009, 19:50:02 PM »
She didn't appear again until later on in the evening.  In fact, I was busy with the other cats, and eating late (we were too hot to want to eat).  So I spent about an hour from 11 pm until midnight, when it had gone a lot quieter, but still I couldn't hear kittens.  I followed her, watched her play from a distance with midges and moths, rolling over in the middle of the lane, until we had to walk the dogs.  So I left some food under the fence, but the dish was on her side of the woods.  I was hoping she would come in our garden, now our cats were in bed for the night.

In the morning I went out to let the chicken out at about 7.30 and I got the surprise of my life, there she was meowing to me on top of one of the platforms on the playtower.  She had used a dog bed to rest on, and probably had a good rest, feeling safe from anything rustling in the woods, yet being able to see all around her.  I noticed that the two little cuts on her side looked slightly infected, and I also noted that her milk bar still seemed full, so I decided to take her to the vets.  I had already hidden a carrier at the side of the summer house, so it was a simple matter to pop her into it. 

My usual vet is on his hols., but I have seen the locum lady once already this week when Molly went to have her spay stitches out, and she seemed very nice.  She gave her a thorough examination of her tummy, and she thinks that she could be having a "phantom" or may be having just one or two kittens, in the next couple of weeks, it's all guesswork.  She gave her an antibiotic injection, and we have tablets for the next few days, l x twice a day - joy!  We will need to Panacure her for 3 days, in case she is pregnant.  I deflead her yesterday whilst we were in the woods to try and help her, I had not seen her scratching, but she weighs just 3 kilos.  The vet thinks she is quite young, the teeth look quite white, she said.

So I now have another foster cat in, or maybe more, watch this space!

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Offline Angiew

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Re: Stray cat?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2009, 11:56:52 AM »
for heavens sake Judith! we've enough kittens to worry about without you putting up a 'coventry cat group this way sign'!  :rofl:
 hope you manage to find them or she manages to bring them to you. Will catch up with you later after I've picked up the latest mum and 5 kittens to take to Linda.
I'm going to have to sit down and count all the kittens we have at some point 'cos atm I've lost track!

Offline Jasmine

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Re: Stray cat?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2009, 11:41:59 AM »
This sounds like an episode of Springwatch...
Maybe you should ring the BBC, say you've got a polecat in your garden and would they send a team round with infra-red cameras?
Then maybe you can find the kittens! :rofl:

Offline Karen-covcats

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Re: Stray cat?
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 11:31:01 AM »
Well she certainly picked the right person to wake up!

good luck i hope you find the babies

Offline madasacatter

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Stray cat?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 11:17:39 AM »
We have been aware of a stray cat since she has been waking various members of our household since at least the early hours of Saturday morning.  So I started putting food out for her,  as my daughter caught sight of her in our garden and said she looked very thin.  The food has  been going, whether eaten by her or the local wildlife.  (I have my own cats in at night, although we have one who is sometimes away for a few days at a time on a hunting spree -  yes we do feed her too!)

I got up on Sunday morning as I was woken at 3.10 am, and we had a conversation through the railings around the wooded area next door to our hous.  But I didn't manage to see her properly, apart from think she looked more tabby than tortie and white.  She was meowing desperately so I left her some more food by our garage.   On Sunday evening she was trotting on next doors' drive, and she seemed to "connect" that it was me, but we had someone arrive on the drive, speak, and so she ran away.  Later that evening I left food, and the next morning it was gone.

Later on we had a report via one of our older children, that someone we know thought the young cat with a spay scar looked like she may be one of ours perhaps, as she was concerned about it too.  So I was then not so worried about capturing her so quickly, as at least she wouldn't be having kittens.

Last evening someone ring the doorbell with her in their arms, unfortunately our dogs barked and the lady let her go.  But we won her confidence again with some food, she is still hungry, but not as bad as she was before.  I placed her in a cat carrier, because by this time I'd had a move around in the cat room and there was a clean pen ready and waiting.  Only to realise that the cat spay scar was probably a small wound, and that I would have to let her go as she was full of milk!

By 6.30 this morning she had eaten the food I left her last night, or the local crows did.  I am trying to leave the food in our back garden, because last night when we were with her, some children came to try and take her home with them! We are hoping that if there are some kittens around that she may bring them round to us.  I explained that she may have kittens somewhere, and not to worry because we were looking after her now and that it will take a little time for her to trust us.

This morning when all the school children were in school, I took a walk around and I heard some rustling in the leaves, and my Turkish Van (somewhat heavier footsteps!) came striding out, so I took him home and made sure he was locked in!
I returned to my hunt, and was listening carefully, and I could hear a low growing sound, then came out to see me so I fussed her which she loved and she cleared the bowl.  I had a look around for her kittens, and listened, but if they are very young, and now she is being fed more, hopefully they will feed more content, so I presume they were sound asleep?

I will go and feed her this afternoon when the school children are back in, and keep trying to win her confidence, but if only we knew where her babies were!  I will also get Angie's scanner over here and check for a chip. Although I have mixed feelings about that, for obvious reasons.

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