Author Topic: Cattery blues - Help wanted!  (Read 1894 times)

Offline Bryony84

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Re: Cattery blues - Help wanted!
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2009, 14:02:48 PM »
I left my 2 girls at a cattery for the first time in March, when they arrived they hopped out of the baskets and went and sat in the upstairs but of the unit which had a little window that looked out to where my car was parked, as I walked back I could see 2 little faces watching me go, I was crying most of the drive home as I was in the car on my own with no OH to comfort me.

When I got home, he assured me that they'd be fine and sure enough when I got back the boy that helps out there was telling me about how affectionate they are and how much they loved cuddles. They weren't too keen on getting back in the baskets so they must have been spoilt!

I think the first time must be the worst, at least in my head anyway as I think once its happened to them once and they've been taken home again, hopefully they will know in future that its not forever and you're not abandoning them. Mine were rescues as well which made me feel doubly bad. : Casper's tripod blog and sponsorship page

Offline NigelBC

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Re: Cattery blues - Help wanted!
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2009, 21:49:20 PM »
Thank you all for your replies - you've made me feel so miuch better about it (although still a little guilty!)  :shy:

Offline sheryl

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Re: Cattery blues - Help wanted!
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2009, 21:35:12 PM »
They are gorgeous kitties

I know exactly how you feel Nigel - we went to Turkey a couple of years ago and all the way to the airport I wanted to turn round and "rescue" my furbabies from the cattery, I felt so guilty and such a wicked Mummy -  My mobile bill was huge but they were all absolutley fine when we got home. 

Have a lovely holiday
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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cattery blues - Help wanted!
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2009, 18:38:38 PM »
I know how you feel because I always feel awful leaving my boys in a cattery.  But I also know that it's the safest place for them and that they are well looked after (totally spoiled is more like it!).  If you have confidence in the cattery, try to relax.  They won't be over the moon to be parted from you, but they would probably be p'd off with you if you left them at home with a catsitter too.  I have every faith in the cattery where I leave my boys and know they are in good hands.  I'm sure yours will be fine.  They'll probably give you the cold shoulder when you return but most cats can be brought around with prawns, chicken etc  ;)

Offline NigelBC

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Re: Cattery blues - Help wanted!
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2009, 18:28:28 PM »
Thanks Tab,

They are together fortunately and they do seem to have a larger enclosure (although Sparky tried to get back in his kitty carrier while Lola refused to leave hers!). I think we will be able to phone, although we might have to restrict this to every other day as opposed to every other hour!

There was one very sad blackie there whose owner has died. I'm not sure what the future holds for him/her - hopefully adoption by a relative or through a rescue organisation.

Nigel  :)

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Re: Cattery blues - Help wanted!
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2009, 18:08:32 PM »
Have you put them in a pen together so they have each other?
I know when I first put my 2 in the cattery Im saying that Mogs is outgoing and friendly and Amber would hide away and Mogs got into Ambers bed and turned her back on me while Amber climbed in on top. I felt so bad it was untrue. I was about to cancel my holiday there and then. The cattery said I could phone every day if I wanted to make sure they were ok and when I got back they were fine.
Last week they were in the cattery again. I opened the boxes and Mogs walked straight out through the flap and sat explored and Amber jumped on the side to see Helen who owns the place. I went to collect and they both came to see me quite happy.
The first time is awful but they and you will get used to it. The cattery I help at is very happy for people to phone and if a cat seems a bit sad they get little treats like tuna or prawns (at the owners permission)
Done worry too much

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Cattery blues - Help wanted!
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2009, 17:59:22 PM »
Gorgeous cats  :Luv2:

Its natural to feel guilty and they will no doubt make you pay when you get them home  :evillaugh: does your cattery mind if you ring them? I know of one who were putting in webcams so you could log in and see how they are doing  ;D

Offline NigelBC

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Cattery blues - Help wanted!
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2009, 17:32:36 PM »
I've just delivered my 9 month old (half) tabby siblings Lola and Sparky to a cattery for 12 days and I feel awful!

I can't help thinking that I've betrayed their trust and that they'll think I've abandoned them. I keep getting terribly upset about it and thinking things like "I'll never go on holiday again" or "let's go and retrieve them!".

Can anyone out there emphasise with these feelings? I'd appreciate any reassurance about their welfare!

 :( Nigel


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