Author Topic: Renal food?  (Read 3968 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2009, 19:08:39 PM »
The ones I saw on Zooplus that you mentioned were the RC wet and the Kattovit. The only RC which seems to mention renal is the Oral mature - given that Purdey is only 3 - would this be ok?

Zooplus stock their general life stage diets, these are the prescription diets so you can see what they look like:

RC prescription renal {links removed to supplier as they have let down rescue cats and Purrs will not support them}

Milly really loved the early care senior, it has restricted things but not as much as the prescription ones i think, have not analysed them tho!

Good luck for the next lot of bloods  :hug:
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 15:12:24 PM by JackSpratt »

Offline Mark

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2009, 18:35:17 PM »
Yep, restricted protein for renal failure is an outdated recommendation and the theory that it might be good for cats is flawed as Mark said, the studies were done on rats (and dogs too I believe). High protein doesnt make the kidneys work harder, and prescription diets are highly processed (as are most pet foods) which in itself places strain on the kidneys.

It really does seem logical given that protein & fat are cats version of carbs  :evillaugh: - I don't have an issue giving them meat & fish either (with binders of course)

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Offline Mark

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2009, 18:33:13 PM »
Have you tried using Ipakitine before as well?

Clapton has ipakitine which is mainly ground eggshells apparently. I have tried him with renalzin but he won't eat food with it in. Willow prefers renalzin which is supposed to be the safest form of binder due to not being calcium (can cause calcification of bones) or Aluminium (can affect the brain). It also has kaolin in which is supposed to mop up more toxins to help prevent uraemia. Also extra vitamin B. I have some new capsules for renal support but still not sure about using them due to each capsule containing 10.5mg of Phosphorus.

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Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2009, 18:09:57 PM »
Yep, restricted protein for renal failure is an outdated recommendation and the theory that it might be good for cats is flawed as Mark said, the studies were done on rats (and dogs too I believe). High protein doesnt make the kidneys work harder, and prescription diets are highly processed (as are most pet foods) which in itself places strain on the kidneys.

Offline Mildred

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2009, 17:59:36 PM »
Have you tried using Ipakitine before as well?

Offline Mark

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2009, 17:50:46 PM »
But if you feed a quality food such as orijen, you are already giving them quality proten. Food with things such as chicken meat meal, fish flash and eggs are good. The problem is, if they are only eating tiny amounts of renal food as they don't like it, they aren't getting enough sustainence. Willow barely weighs 2.5kg in fact my old vet said if her weight dropped any lower, it would be a problem. The main thing is getting food into them. The latest reports are saying that the restricted protein theory is based on humans and tests with rats. A few sites say that muscle wastage can be caused to supply the organs with protein and there can even be organ damage over time. I just try to keep a happy medium and compromises have to be made. I don't think it is worth extending a cats life it is unhappy? - I have been mixing rrenal with regular + adding renalzin but they still won't eat it so settled for regular or senior food with renalzin in - clapton is also happy to eat the mix with renal biscuits added + extra water.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 17:51:42 PM by Mark »

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Offline Mildred

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2009, 17:13:42 PM »
Ive always been taught/told by vets and pet food reps that the reduced protein in renal diets is of a higher biological value.
This means they take in a smaller amount but they still get all the goodness they need without overloading the kidneys and making them work even harder.

Thats why it can be misleading for consumers when they compare the protein levels on normal cat food to prescription,some brand foods have lower protein percentages than prescription but the biological value is much lower.Its better to take in a small amount of high quality protein than lots of low quality protein.

Hills and Royal Canin both have customer advice lines and are happy to advise (the numbers can be found on the packaging) - prescription diets can be very confusing at the best of the times. I still get confused and ive done lots of courses on them!!

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2009, 16:54:53 PM »
Thanks for the information. I buy the RC sensible 33 from zooplus once a month, local pet shops have limited choice and most online stores charge a lot extra for delivery to N.Ireland so would be great if could get the food from zooplus. The ones I saw on Zooplus that you mentioned were the RC wet and the Kattovit. The only RC which seems to mention renal is the Oral mature - given that Purdey is only 3 - would this be ok? I'm also assuming its the Kattovit low protein? Would you not recommend it now then Mark if there are issues about protein. I'm very new to all these renal issues so all help and advice is much appreciated.

I'm really hoping that when she has the bloods repeated next week that they will have come down again, praying its ARF, not CRF and that then this topic (whilst mush appreciated) will be mute!

Offline Mark

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2009, 11:49:49 AM »
It's a shame  Kattovit isn't the preferred on as it's much cheaper!

I am still very wary of renal food having reduced protein as more and more experts are now saying high quality protein is the answer, not reuced protein. Some are even saying it is harmful to give cats restricted protein - which makes sense.

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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2009, 18:07:21 PM »
RC do the most variety, but there is also Integra and KAttovit available from Zooplus. Rosie preferred Integra to any of the RC foods.
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Offline Mark

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2009, 11:33:54 AM »
In my experience, Science Plan dry is the most palatable but RC wet although not really palatable is the lesser of the evils where wet is concerned. I hate the idea of feeding CRF cats dry food but its the only one they like. Even Kylie who isn't CRF eats the k/d dry rather than her own food. Most vets will sell you as many or few pouches as you want. I don't think they give out free samples of renal food.

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Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Renal food?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2009, 11:29:45 AM »
I use the RC Tuna flavoured renal pouches, that's the only renal food that Monty will touch. He really didn't like any of the dry renal food.

Offline sixfurballs

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Renal food?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2009, 10:54:59 AM »
With the jury still out on whether Purdey has suffered ARF or CRF my vet asked me to try her with some sample bags of RC renal diet food. My vet wants me to get her off the RC recovery food. She won't touch the renal food, is still eating the recovery but only have a very small amount of it left. She has eaten a little of the RC sensible 33 that I feed the clan but not even much of it. I've tried mixing the renal food in with the recovery and she just refuses to eat anything then. She is eating so little I really want to encourage her a bit more with food.

Anyone got a renal food they would recommend, especially a complete food? Does it come in smaller amounts and where do you get it - don't want to stock up on too much yet as Purdey's blood will be repeated again next week and still hoping the counts will have come down again and that its ARF rather than CRF.


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