Sorry to have been MIA lately. I've been going through some major changes - and without going into it too much- me and Capone are now living semi-permanently at another place.
It was just me first, but I found being apart from the Owl really, really difficult. The person I'm staying with has a female bengal who doesn't really like other cats (stems from being bullied by other cats when younger). It wasn't until a week ago, we decided to try introducing the two. The bengal instantly took a dislike to Capone, who was overwhelmed by excitement and love. He was being hissed & growled at, while he tried to declare his love to this new female.... However... twice now we've found them sleeping on the same bed, and they now sniff each other without much growling or swiping. The bengal is still very much showing that she is the queen B of the house, putting Capone in his place and there has been a few swipes and scruffles, but they are able to play a game of Da Bird together, eat together etc. It's early days but it's amazing to see Capone really happy & excited - his new fave spot is chilling out on the stairs, and will stay close to the bengal as much as he can get away with! He is not very tactful (due to being over excited I think!) and will randomly walk up to her to sniff her bum, or worse - use her litter tray (while she is watching), but he is always firmly told off by her, in shape of a hiss, growl or whack over the head. There has been a lot of chasing up & down the stairs today!
I've had a few good belly laughs at them - when I fed them last night the bengal wouldn't touch her bowl, instead walked up to Capones, hissed at him, made him walk away, ate his food, then went back to her bowl to finish her food. Another time, Capone was minding his own business playing with a toy mouse, when queen b walked up to him, and took the mouse away from him. Capone being too submissive to ''talk back'' so he just looks bewildered. Bengal lady also loves hiding in the crinkle tunnel, teasing him to come inside, and as soon as Capone pokes his head into the tunnel he'll get a whack over the head!
There is a catflap here, which leads to a pretty secure courtyard. Capone doesn't know how to use the flap, but I have supervised him while he's had a sniff around outside. As soon as I've had him microchipped I will teach him how to use it.
Think that's all. It's lovely to see how happy Capone is in the company of another cat. Even though the other cat treats him like a piece of dirt - although we think she secretly loves him.