Author Topic: Cats changed when we moved  (Read 1356 times)

Offline dabs

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Re: Cats changed when we moved
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2009, 10:02:21 AM »
5 weeks is not a long time in cat terms to settle in a new place and they are clearly still sussing out the territory. They would have realised who is friend and who is foe on the old patch and they clearly are still trying to suss out the new one.

You may not have seen a lot of cats about, however there could be more that you think. Being a low cat populated area does not mean to say that there is not a cat out there that fancies his chances with yours and may have already tried.

Again if they are not used to the screams of children then they may still find it unsettling.

This appears to me to be cat settling in behaviour and can take them a few more weeks to feel fully settled. They will settle eventually they have a whole host of new sounds, smells and food stops to get used to!  :)
Nuneaton and Hinckley Cats in Need

Offline Catjane

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Cats changed when we moved
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2009, 09:24:07 AM »
We're all in our new routines now, having been in our new house for five weeks or so.  The kits have outside access during the day, as they did before.  However, some things have changed, and I can't work out if the changes mean they're happier, not-so-happy, or just .... different.

Meesha was never one for going far, she liked to survey the garden and maybe next door in the old place.  Here, she hardly ever goes out, unless it's fine, but before she used to be straight to the catflap in the morning to do her 'rounds', here she doesn't even bother going to the door, let alone go out first thing.  (I suppose she doesn't have her established territory now, and so has nothing to survey).  I feel rotten.  I feel like she needs her little patch.  She goes out mostly if I open the french windows at the back, straight into the garden (the catflap is at the front) and occasionally wanders into adjacent gardens, but that's it.

Sabby doesn't seem to go off on his adventures anymore (for which I'm grateful) ... but is he happy?  He's a LOT more interactive with me though, and unlike before, comes and goes all day rather than staying out for hours at a time.  Usually when I call him he appears immediately!  In fact, I can call him from inside the house and within moments he's through the catflap!

Incidentally, in the old place, they didn't show this behaviour when I first let them out.  Which is odd - there were a lot more cats about in the old place.  There's only 2 others round here as far as I can tell (although LOADS more dogs - but they don't seem to mind them at all).  There are also a LOT of kids round here, where there weren't so many before, but again, they seem to have got used to their shrieks etc.

Shanti hasn't changed much, except that she's now first at the catflap in the morning .. in the last place she often hung around indoors for a bit.  Otherwise, she's exactly the same as before.

So, good or bad?  None of them are showing any behavioural problems (touch wood), but I'm just not sure whether they are entirely happy here.


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