Just when I think I have their food preferences sussed, they go and upset the apple cart. My two are pretty easy to feed as Jaffa has always been Mr Hoover but he is getting a tad fussy in his old(er) age. I'm sure it's because I offer him more choice these days. Mosi is usually pretty good but he has his moments when he either doesn't want anything (furballs) or he's just playing silly butter to wind me up. he's not as food motivated as Jaffa.
Anyway, they've never been keen on the Natures Harvest stuff (90% meat). They ate it reluctantly when I first bought it, but soon declined to eat it at all. Jaffa loves the fish one, but neither of them will entertain the chicken one. But I have some in the cupboard so today I decided they could like it or lump it. I didn't put any dry in Mosi's dish as then they could swap over and just eat what they wanted when they wanted. And if they choose to go hungry, tough! So I put it down, apologising as I do so and just knowing they will give me that disappointed face when they smell it, but what do you know they just both got stuck in and licked their bowls clean
Cats eh?