Thanks guys, it really is appreciated. It is definitely a comfort to have yous guys around and I know you understand. Most people dont and this is defintely the hardest bereavement I have experienced, human or animal. Cause he was a cat though, I am expected to be 'over it'. I don't expect I will ever be 'over it' but I know it will get easier in time. All this is part of the natural grieving process- doesn't make it any easier though! I am sure I will still miss him, even in my old age. I look at Oscar and Jasper and wonder what they think. I am sure Oscar must miss his washes and cuddling up which were reserved only for Rufus and I am sure Jasper misses his rough and tumbles, he does play fight iwth Oscar but he's just not rough enough for Jasper! lol.
I just feel like part of me is missing but am so thankful to have had that love for at least a short time. I always imagined having him in his old age and then this is such a shock. I was an absolute wreck the first week, then have had 2 weeks where I have been ok and now we'r 3-4 weeks down the line I think the realisation that he really isn't coming home has set in. Everything's so final.
My new rescue bunny Vince who arrived last week, well they told me he was exactly 9 months- the lady had given the DOB when she signed him over and he has exactly the same DOB as Rufus. I wonder if iut's coincedence or a little sign from my boy. I will never know but maybe it is a sign to let me know he's safe.
It's little things that set me off- like yesterday when I was filing the bunnies vaccination cards as they all had their jabs yesterday, I found Rufus' card. I will always keep it, I don't think I could ever throw it away but there are little things of him everywhere (Not least the permant muddy footprints on our sofa which meant we had to get throws!
) sometimes these things amke me smile but often they set me off.