Author Topic: One Very scared little baby :(  (Read 12553 times)

Offline bonnielass

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #79 on: February 22, 2009, 08:22:10 AM »
What brilliant news about Felix, you must be so relieved that hes coming home each time ;D i dont have a cat flap because of my dogs(they would try and stick there heads through  :rofl: ) so when im in the door is always open so they can come and go at will,but Henry will not use the door at all he insists on going out and coming in through the kitchen window for some reason :evillaugh:
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Offline Leanne

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #78 on: February 17, 2009, 09:50:01 AM »
Thats brilliant news about Felix coming and going  ;D

I have no experience of cat flaps though

Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(................. NOT NO MORE!!!
« Reply #77 on: February 17, 2009, 08:08:36 AM »
 ;D     (sorry guys, bit of a long one.... again!!!)

On Saturday morning, Felix walked slowly up to the front door, and started making an awfull noise!  And seen as he has been in for a month now, i thought i would try and let him out.  So i opened the cat-flap, so he was free to go when he felt fit!
Within half an hour he was sitting by the cat-flap contemplating wether to go out or not!   ;)
As soon as i hoped the door for a friend to come in for a cuppa, Fee-baby made a run for it!  Went hopping down to the end of the cul-de-sac, all i could see was his white socks bobbing up and down as he ran!   :wow:
He went out at 11.10am.
By 3.00pm i was starting to get worried but OH kept telling me that after not being let out for a month he is probably rolling around in a garden somewhere!
At 4.30pm, guess who shows up at the kitchen window, wanting some dinner!!!........... FEE-BABY!!!!   :rofl:
I was so happy to see him, and so happy he came home!
He came in had a munch, some fuss and a little purry-woo!  :rofl:
I thought he would run right out again, as this is what he was like before he went missing, but to our totall surprise, he sat on the sofa with me and cuddled up!   ;D
He is going in and out now when ever he wants and seems to be really happy about it!  He's there when i wake up, and hes there when i go to bed at night, and im soooooo happy!!!!!
One little, mini thing though............... he wont use the cat-flap!  He waits on the kitchen window seel to get in and i give in and let him in the way he wants to come in! (only because im scared he will dissappear again) and then when he wants to go out, he either sits on the window seel again, or waits for the front door to be opened to make a dash for it.
Me and OH have tried showing him the cat-flap, and that theres nothing to be scared of, but he does seem very wary of it for some reason???

Any advice on this one?
Has anyone had this problem with their babies??

Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #76 on: February 09, 2009, 07:45:41 AM »
Fee-Baby News!!!  :evillaugh:

Felix has been getting more and more confident as the days go on, and its been two weeks today that Fee-baby has been home! WOOHOO

Felix and Co-co have been getting on really well, but Felix is still very scared of Louie.
When they are all eating in the kitchen all three are fine, but if felix is in the front room when Louie come in, either he runs and hides or... his new thing is to growl at Louie.  Louie hasnt really taken much notice of Felix although there has been the odd stare-out. to which Felix runs and hides again. :shy:
I move Felix's bed into the front room eveyday, when I get in from work, and he then has the run of the house like Co-co and Louie.  But he either stays in his hooded bed, where he feels safe, or hides where-ever the little chumba-wumba can fit!

Friday night was a breakthrough...
I was sitting on the sofa relaxing when Co-co jumped up for a hug, he fell asleep on my lap purring away. Then Felix decided to join him.
Since Fee was a kitten he has never been on for hugging!  He loves strokes and fuss, but ony with his four feet firmly on tera-ferma!
But to jump  up on my lap for some loving surprised me..... although very very welcome!!  :Luv2:
But again..... Louie was out while all this was happening.
Another thing i have noticed is that when Louie is in.... Felix somehow looses his voice!  Fee is a very vocal furbaby, and chatters away all the time!  But is he sees Louie in, he doesnt make a sound!  He lowers himself, and is quicker than lightening to find a cubbie-hole to hide!

Felix still hasnt been out of the house, as I want him and Louie to be 100% before any of Fee's furry feet get outside!!  He is gaining in confidence and comes out of the kitchen as soon as the door is open, he wonders around the hallway and bathroom then settles in the front room with me and Joe (hubby).

Any advice on this one guys????  We need to get Felix to settle with Louie, and not be so scared all the time. I know its upsetting him as much as it upsets me.  :-[

Also....... When Felix sees Louie he is litterally  :censored: scared! as he tends to either pass-wind (very loudly) or goes to the litter, where there is definate noise of parping and pooing!  :sick: :sick: (i keep singing "smelly cat" to him!!!)   :rofl: i kept blaming Joe for this one until i saw Felix for myself!!!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sonnie x

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2009, 20:47:53 PM »
Its the fact they never get lost thats concerning, if i cant change your mind il try to rest in peace knowing i tried. Id rather any cat of mine go missing and be adopted then go missing and possibly die from an infected wound or fly strike.
I have a post surgery pic on puta somewhere of a collar injury, a far from nice thing to heal up, if you wish to see, pm and il try to find it.

Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #74 on: February 06, 2009, 22:27:49 PM »
We have tried so many different collars on the boys, and the cheapy flea collars, seem to be more suited to them.
We have tried the clip collars, quick release and everything, but nothing lasts more than 2 days.

I once found Coco stuck half way through the catflap, because one of the quick release clips had got stuck on the cat-door. 
I have considered no collars, but so many people have taken one of the boys in thinking their stray.  :-:

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #73 on: February 06, 2009, 15:49:51 PM »
Better a lost collar then a lost leg i think! Flea collars are plain useless for safety and flea control  >:( shouldnt be allowed to sell them

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #72 on: February 05, 2009, 20:02:22 PM »
I don't want to scare you Sonnie but this thread highlights some of the awful injuries that can be caused by non-quick realse collars:,4803.0.html

None of my babies wears a collar ... they are all chipped though.
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Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #71 on: February 05, 2009, 07:29:22 AM »
Woo hoo sounds like things are coming along nicely.  The longer Felix is at home and smelling less like a stinky tom I'm sure things will calm down.


Im glad you have had a breakthrough sonnie  ;D

The collars the boys have, do they have a quick release clip aswell as the elastic? If not i really urge you to dump them, the elastic stretches not breaks and can cause really nasty injuries if a leg is caught through it  :( it doesnt break you see and cuts in the skin instead. Also if they got caught in a tree it would hang them not release.

The best collars are the ones available from   (Kittycollars is a friend of Purrs  ;) )

I have tried the quick release ones before, and after one outing all three cats came back without them :doh:
They all seem to loose them so easily,
The ones they have on now, are cheapy flea collars, but i will try and get out to get them some quick-release ones, as now im worried!!!  :doh:
My father-in-law always gets the quick release ones, and Cabain, (their eldest cat) was carried home by a stranger who saw her in the road with both hands stuck in the collar, she couldnt move and the collar didnt release... hence the "no quick release" on my three.   :(

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #70 on: February 04, 2009, 20:01:37 PM »
You can get the same for £1.99 if they are good at losing things  ;)

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #69 on: February 04, 2009, 19:55:45 PM »
Woo hoo sounds like things are coming along nicely.  The longer Felix is at home and smelling less like a stinky tom I'm sure things will calm down.


Im glad you have had a breakthrough sonnie  ;D

The collars the boys have, do they have a quick release clip aswell as the elastic? If not i really urge you to dump them, the elastic stretches not breaks and can cause really nasty injuries if a leg is caught through it  :( it doesnt break you see and cuts in the skin instead. Also if they got caught in a tree it would hang them not release.

The best collars are the ones available from   (Kittycollars is a friend of Purrs  ;) )
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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #68 on: February 04, 2009, 19:18:16 PM »
Woo hoo sounds like things are coming along nicely.  The longer Felix is at home and smelling less like a stinky tom I'm sure things will calm down.


Im glad you have had a breakthrough sonnie  ;D

The collars the boys have, do they have a quick release clip aswell as the elastic? If not i really urge you to dump them, the elastic stretches not breaks and can cause really nasty injuries if a leg is caught through it  :( it doesnt break you see and cuts in the skin instead. Also if they got caught in a tree it would hang them not release.

Offline Leanne

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #67 on: February 04, 2009, 09:22:47 AM »
Thats excellent news  ;D

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #66 on: February 04, 2009, 09:10:01 AM »
That's fab  ;D ;D ;D

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Offline bonnielass

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #65 on: February 04, 2009, 07:36:51 AM »
Fantastic news :wow: im so glad things are begining to settle down at last and harmony looks imminent :hug: :hug:
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Offline Janeyk

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #64 on: February 04, 2009, 07:27:53 AM »
That's great news  ;D  I do the scent swapping with mine if they seem a bit grouchy and it does seem to help.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 07:28:40 AM by janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #63 on: February 03, 2009, 19:16:22 PM »
Woo hoo sounds like things are coming along nicely.  The longer Felix is at home and smelling less like a stinky tom I'm sure things will calm down.
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Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #62 on: February 03, 2009, 18:49:45 PM »

This evening, ....... (ooooo im so excited)
Felix and Louie had dinner together!  :wow: ;D :Luv2: :evillaugh:
We thought there was going to be a scuffle, but Louie bowed his head to Felix, then Felix lend on Louie.... then there was munching dinner!
The kitchen door has been open for Felix all evening, but he has decided, that after dinner he would go back to bed!  BUT..... the point is, the door is open and Louie hasnt picked a fight!!!  WOOHOO
Check them out eating together!....

ooooo and a pic of Felix's home made bed!

Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #61 on: February 03, 2009, 06:00:20 AM »
Thanks for the advice Milly's Mum  :wow:

Have you tried scent swapping ....If Louie has a favourite blanket/bed/pillow move that to Felixs area and vice versa. This will get your cats smelling each other.  Scent swapping can also work with food bowls. Try swapping your food bowls between your cats - the cats should come to accept the idea of the new scent with food time (a happy time for cats!).

Give Felix a good rub with a towel then rub Louie with the same towel then rub CoCo.  Whenever you've been giving any of them a fuss ... go and fuss the others get your scent and their scent mixed up as much as possible so they all start to smell similar ... little and often works best with this.

I had moved Co-co and Louies blanket into the kitchen with Felix over the weekend.  I didnt want to put it in his bed thinking it might make him not want to sleep on it!! And I didnt want him sleeping on the kitchen floor!
I did however, place the blanket ontop of Felix's basket where he sleeps thinking he will pick up on their scent.  But i didnt think of rubbing them with the blanket!!!  :wow:
I will defo try this when i get in tonight!!!
Louie has become very inquisitive about whats going on in the kitchen!!! Especially in the mornings when Felix is shouting out for breakfast.  Louie will go and sit at the kitchen door listening to Felix's chatter!!!

Last night, I thought we would open the kitchen door while Louie was asleep in his bed. (its a two tier wicker basket- furry linned of course!!!)Slowly but surely felix started peering out of the kitchen and slowly walking over to the front room, where I was sitting on the sofa, watching him from the corner of my eye!! Joe (hubby) was standing near Louie just incase he made a dash for Felix, but Louie was curled up with his back towards the door that Felix was walking in by.  Felix took his time sniffing around and noticed Louie sleeping, (i think he got a bit confused and thought it was Co-co, but couldnt see Louies white socks!!)  As soon as Felix stretched out to sniff Louie, Louie jumped!!!   :Crazy:  Felix scared the crap put of him!!!!!  But as soon as Louie jumped up..... Felix was back in his bed in the kitchen!  Me and Joe were left in stitches!  We dont know who jumped more, Louie for being woken from what was obviously a deep sleep, or Felix who must have thought Louie was going for him again!!!!!!! haha
We left Felix to the safety of his bed, and Louie the doppey furball was all confused and started nattering away then come over for a reassuring hug!!!
I will open the kitchen door while Louie is in again this evening, and i have everything crossed that there is no more scuffles between Felix and Lou.  Louie seems to have calmed down but Fee always seems to be "on guard" where Lou is concerned.  We will have to wait and see i suppose!!!
Meanwhile........ Co-co really couldnt give two hoots! He was sitting in the porch watching the snow standing on his back legs!!!!!!!!  :rofl:

I will be popping into the vets at some point this week to pay the balance for Felix's treatment, and will ask the feline behaviourist about a possible home visit while im there!

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #60 on: February 02, 2009, 23:22:27 PM »
Have you tried scent swapping ....If Louie has a favourite blanket/bed/pillow move that to Felixs area and vice versa. This will get your cats smelling each other.  Scent swapping can also work with food bowls. Try swapping your food bowls between your cats - the cats should come to accept the idea of the new scent with food time (a happy time for cats!).

Give Felix a good rub with a towel then rub Louie with the same towel then rub CoCo.  Whenever you've been giving any of them a fuss ... go and fuss the others get your scent and their scent mixed up as much as possible so they all start to smell similar ... little and often works best with this.
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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2009, 19:07:12 PM »
I would have the nurse round, it certainly wont cause any harm  ;D

His loving has come from him feeling secure and happy, which is a good sign

Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2009, 09:47:05 AM »
Im glad to hear you are making progress with Felix and hope he continues to return to his old self, like everything else it just takes time,sending some positive vibes for you all :hug: :hug:

Thank you Bonnielass,
Vibes are greatfully appreciated    ;D

Offline bonnielass

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2009, 08:04:18 AM »
Im glad to hear you are making progress with Felix and hope he continues to return to his old self, like everything else it just takes time,sending some positive vibes for you all :hug: :hug:
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Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2009, 04:56:53 AM »
Morning all,

Felix is doing well today, this morning he was in the bedroom with me chatting away while i got ready for work!!!
He wondered into the frontroom aswell which pleased me untill Co-co came steaming in a little freaked from all the snow, and scared Felix.
He went running back into the kitchen and into his bed!
I am slowly allowing Felix out of the kitchen more and more, but with Louie out.
Im a bit unsure how to re-introduce these two!
Our vet clinic has a trained nurse in feline behaviour, and i was thinking of asking her to make a home visit, Or is this taking it a bit too far??  :-:
I would like to see all three cuddled up together like they used to, and i know that this will take a long time.  Im comforted in the fact that Felix feels safe in the kitchen and his home made bed, and that when he feels a little freaked he knows there he can go to feel safe again.  And the fact that he is trusting me and Joe enough to follow us round and natter away.  But i do think he is trying to tell us something, as his meowing has no end!  Again he was my alarm clock this morning!! (usually im up at 2am to be at work for 3.30am, but not today!!!! up at 1.30 instead!!)
Felix is eating well, and i think.. putting on a little weight!  ;D great to see our big boy is getting back to his normal size!!!!
I also found a little strange........ whenever we had visitors before he would hide, or run out untill they left. But whoever has visited him in "his room" he has been all purry with them, and loves the attention.  I just dont want him to go back to how things were before he went missing.  I dont want him to be too scared to come in, or to hide whenever Louie shows his furry face!!!!
He is still not comfortable with being picked up and he does struggle to get down, but I have found that half picking him up, with backlegs still on the floor holding him under his front legs, for a hug, he actaully likes!  So now we have half hugging!!!!! haha

Well........ Im at work so I'd better get on!!!!

Sonnie x

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #55 on: February 01, 2009, 19:24:13 PM »
yep. I would be keeping him in for a couple of weeks more - it will give any remaining hormones a chance to get out of his system, and will also break whatever habits he had developed while out there - also other cats will have reclaimed any territory he had carved out so he will have an additional incentive to stick around....

Agree, the longer the better, i think id aim for relative harmony in the house with louie before letting him out again just incase he drives him off the patch.
Im glad his toilets habits are back to normal  ;D

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #54 on: February 01, 2009, 11:28:44 AM »
yep. I would be keeping him in for a couple of weeks more - it will give any remaining hormones a chance to get out of his system, and will also break whatever habits he had developed while out there - also other cats will have reclaimed any territory he had carved out so he will have an additional incentive to stick around....

Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #53 on: February 01, 2009, 11:21:37 AM »
Morning all,

Felix has got normal bowl movements!!!!   WOOHOO!!!!!

He woke me up this morning with his half purr half meow cryout!!!  when i went into the kitchen he was chatting away at his litter tray.  I noticed he has wee'd so i cleaned his litter and replaced it with fresh.  He was straight in there having a poo!!!  YIPPEE!!!!
I have come to the conclusion that Felix's outbursts of chatter are because he wants a fresh loo! as soon as its cleaned and he was wee'd or number two'ed hes the flirt again!!!

Baby is getting better by the day,

Advice please all.........

Felix has been "in" since last monday evening, he hasnt had a foot outside the door out of the catbox.  I know that he has had a rough week, back and fourth to the vet so i think i should still keep him in for a while??? is this ok?
Plus he has seen and mixed with Coco but not Louie, as Louie freaks him out!  We are trying to introduce Felix in to the home again and i have the kitchen door open for a couple of hours a day (with louie out of course!) and he comes out in time, and investigates the bathroom and hallway. Yesterday he made a run for it and hid behind the sofa, and it look us ages to get him to come out.
i have a Feliway plugged into the kitchen and was thinking of moving it into the hall???????
What do you think??  :-:

Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #52 on: January 31, 2009, 16:09:40 PM »
Hi all,

although Felix is now home he now has dihorea! :sick:

We have decided that normal cat food was probably too rich for his tummy, and so we are starving him till late tonight.
I am boiling some chicken at the moment for him, fingers crossed it binds him up a bit!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #51 on: January 31, 2009, 00:06:17 AM »
Pleased he is home and doing what he ought  ;D

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #50 on: January 30, 2009, 21:34:54 PM »
 :hug: :hug: :hug: take care hun ... get some rest and recharge your batteries.  Your babies will pick up on your stress and this in turn will stress them.  After all the "excitement" of the past few days I think you all need an early night  :hug:
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Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #49 on: January 30, 2009, 21:24:06 PM »
Hi all and thanks so much for all the advice,

Felix was allowed home this evening after his first wee!!!  YIPPEE!!!
He is safely tucked in the kitchen, in his bed.  The vet advised that he should eat as such "wet" food as possible, if he is still hungry after a bowl-full, feed him more.  The more the better!!
We did have the cats insured but cancelled it last year due to financial  :censored: ups!
We were looking at insurance last night on line, but both were exhausted  :tired: and wernt really taking any details in, so decided to have another look someother time.  We are definately going to insure them though.

Coco and Louie are doing great, and are back to their normal kitty ways.
Although Felix is a little quiet, he is home. 
He has eaten a little, and all curled up in bed.  He has been out of bed for a cuddle, and a little chat.  And has been very loving  :Luv2:

The vet seemed very happy with him, and has been a great help as we have had to leave a balance on our account.  :scared:
she said that as much as Felix is a lovely boy, she doesn't want to see him again for a while!!!

Right..... time for some relaxing, all the trips back and forth to the vet, the late night and the worrying is now catching up on me  :tired:

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #48 on: January 30, 2009, 18:01:22 PM »
So sorry to hear about all your problems and pleased you stayed with us and listened to all the advice  :hug:

I think that Felix is highly stressed from his adventures, then captivity and then vet and op and also from the other cats. Leanne is right and sounds like you have a good vet and hope you are insured....if not this needs to be done as soon as Felix is better.

You may be right that the other cats realized that he was having probs, cos cats are so sensitive . and they will also sense your stress too.

I would keep Felix seperate from the other two for a while to allow him to settle and always keep a hidy place for him to go to for safety from whatever scares him.

Once he has completely settled is well and healthy again, eating , using his tray, then try to reintroduce him to the other cats, I believe a thread for this was posted earlier. I would give him at least a couple of weeks to settle and do not let him meet the other cats in that time.

I do hope it all works out for you and Felix and the others, his hormone levels will take a few weeks to die down so this is also a good reason for keeping him seperate.

If you are still having probs in some weeks time and you have been insured for more than 14 days, the good insurances like AXA and I would think Petplan, will pay for a behaviorist, recommended by your vet. Maddiesmum has a very good one for Charlie.

The key to this is to get him healthy and then insure, after 14 days you can make claims  ;D

Lots of luck and hope that you dont need this route, but insurance is so needed  :hug:

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #47 on: January 30, 2009, 14:19:06 PM »
Oh poor Felix, Soonie there are a few of us who have been though blocked bladders in the past year and its awful we know how you feel  :hug: :hug:

When you get him home watch out because the chances of Felix blocking again within the first few days are quite high.

Glad they are all okay though

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #46 on: January 30, 2009, 13:56:56 PM »
So pleased that CoCo and Louie are OK.  And also pleased that you were able to get FeeFee into the vets and they were able to empty his bladder ... poor little lad.  Fingers crossed he does a wee on his own and is able to come home tonight  :hug:
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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #45 on: January 30, 2009, 13:19:20 PM »
Hi all,
I came home from work yesterday and Felix still hasnt done a wee or poo.  :-[

I picked up the phone to call the vet, and just as the phone started to ring i had to hang up.  Coco was voilently vomiting,  :sick: then followed by Louie doing the same  :sick:
I called the vet asap.  She adviced me to take Felix as soon as i could get him there, and if i could get the other two there aswell.
Louie ran out the cat flap and done a runner, so i couldnt take him.
Coco was too sick to argue, and went into his carry box.
The vet had a look at Felix first, and informed us that he has a VERY full bladder, she was keeping him in as his bladder could rupture.  :(
She said they may have to knock him out and catheterise him.
Next.... Coco..... 
Kept making a horrible coughing sound as the vet was checking him over.  She adviced that both Coco and Louie (although she hadnt seen him) were to be starved, only water with hydration salts, to be ingested.  So we came home and locked the cat flap for the night.  :'(
At 6:45pm i called the vet to see how my baby Fee was doing.  She told me that he was crying near the litter tray but couldnt "go".  She had to sedate him and catheterise him.  :tired:  :( My poor baby.  I requestd that she call me as soon as this procedure was over, as i was so worried about him.  We could have walked into the kitchen in the morning and found the unthinkable, he was that bad.  :scared:
I recieved a call two hours later, from Lizzy, our vet.  she said that there was "a lot" of wee and we were SO lucky we realised and took him in.
He is awake now but a bit dopey she said.  She wanted Coco and Louie both back at 9am this morning.  So at 8:45 im there, two cat boxes in hand!!!  Coco was checked over first and is 100% ok now, and Louie is 100% too.  No vomiting, no coughing, no dihorrea or anything.  They have a clean bill of health.  THANK GOD  ;)
Felix, is still at the vets.  :(  He has eaten and even pooed!!! WOOHOO but no wee wees yet, so Lizzy wants to keep him in untill he goes!
She said that he is a bit grumpy from being pushed and pulled about, but he is comfie and will be fine.  Baby Fee is out of the woods!!!  YIPPEE!!

I have to call at 4:30 to see if he has wee'd and see if he can come home. 
Im praying and praying that he has been to the loo, and can come home and recover with us in the comfort of his own home.

I spent most of last night thinking i was going to loose him, 
This is the reason why he kept crying at his litter tray, and I just didnt understand.  And for that im eternally sorry to him.
Was Coco and Louie trying to tell me something?  is that why they were both vomitting?  Were they telling me that Fee was really not doing well.
because as soon as we got the call to say he was out of the woods, both Coco and Louie must have senced it, they both seemed to settle.

Im missing my baby Fee, i want him home  :'( :'(

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #44 on: January 29, 2009, 21:24:30 PM »
If he hasn't weed by morning, ring the vet.
Please spay your cat

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #43 on: January 29, 2009, 19:41:34 PM »
any news on the wee front?  Fingers crossed he has flooded his tray  :innocent:
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Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #42 on: January 29, 2009, 10:59:42 AM »
 :thanks: Sam,

Now youve seen the furry purry flirt!!!!

I was just thinking about calling the Vet but thought i would wait and see if theres any news! when i get home!!!

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #41 on: January 29, 2009, 10:53:09 AM »
Ahhhh what a handsome chap  :Luv2: (even with the big scratch on his nose!).

I'm sure we will go wee wee soon but if you are worried in anyway it might be worth giving the vet a quick call and asking them what they think.
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Offline Sonnie

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Re: One Very scared little baby :(
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2009, 07:00:04 AM »
Morning all,

Felix was a little unsettled last night.  While Louie was out, I closed the porch door so Felix couldnt get to the cat flap, and opened the kitchen door.  He kept crying at the door, and no amount of fuss or attention was getting him calm.  He did eat last night, but not as much as he normally does, he is generally a big eater, but just wasnt interested.  :(
He sat at the kitchen door looking out but didnt attempt to come out to the hallway.  I didnt want to call him out, and i think that he should explore in his own time.  We put the radio on and left it on all night, which seemed to make him settle a little, but there was still the odd cry out.
Late last night before i went to bed, i thought i would have a cuppa with Fee-Baby in the kitchen, a little chat and some lovin'!!!!
I had cleaned out his letter tray as he had been in and used it yesterday, so i cleaned it and replaced with fresh litter before i put his dinner down.  But when i was sitting on the floor with my cuppa, i noticed he hadn't been to the loo, no number ones and no number two's. So he hasnt been since he came back from the vet  :(
He kept going up to the litter box, looking at me and meowing but just wouldn't "make".
He is holding his rear low, so i know he needs to go but just wont.  :-: i dont get why, because he did the night before.
He also had a bad half hour, where there was constant crying and wimpering as he was nailing the kitchen door trying to get out,  however Felix's normal way in and out (only because Louie normally sits near the catflap) is the kitchen window.  Im not a lover of having animals on the kitchen side, but this was his normal way in.  He didnt even attempt to get on the side or cry at the window.  (he obviously did while i was at work as one of my window flowers was tipped over and broken)
I spent most of the night appologising to him, and telling him that I didnt understand what he was trying to tell me  :-[
This morning he was a little better, still no wees or poos in the litter tray and he is still crying at the littler area, But again just wont go.
I felt like sticking the tap on!  maybe the niose of running water will get his flow going!!!!  :rofl:
Again i left the kitchen door open while i had my morning coffee, and again he is very wary, which im kind of pleased with.  I like the fact that he is not bolting out like he used to, aiming for the catflap or the quickest route out.  He explored the hall a little and even went into the bathroom, one meow and he was back in the kitchen in his bed.  Felix has never been one to use a bed!  He has always tried the sofa! or the poofy foot stool thingy but never the cat bed.  But as soon as he feels un-easy hes straight back in there! I think he is making progress, as when he came home for the first time he did hide in his bed, but right as the back, (imagine.... a washing basket upside down with a little arc cut out, a cat bed inside and the basket covered with a furry cat blanket! as this was the only place that he would get into, i made it myself!!!)
Now he seems to be working his was to the front of his home made bed!  He sticks his little head out when we open the kitchen door to see whos coming into "his room".
I have ordered a Feliway plug in and im hoping it arrives soon and works!! :briggin:
I am going to try and put a photo i took of Felix on here today, I took it on my phone while spending cuppa time with him last night, Just look at the comparasion of what he was before (my profile pic, and how tiny he looks now)

Adivce please guys.... and some "please wee" vibes!!!! haha


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