I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this before or have any ideas as to what happened.
My friend got 2 kittens a while back. They were 6 months old a couple of weeks ago so she booked them in to be neutered. The Kittens got through the operation well but little Mouse took a turn for the worse. The incision area looked fine and her behaviour wasn't drastically changed, she was quiet and was eating less [but hadn't stopped eating]. Then my friend noticed that a bit of her chest was 'hanging down' and looked odd - this was on a Friday. She took Mouse to the vet the following day but she died
It was all very sudden from noticing something was wrong to her death.
The vet said it was a massive internal infection which killed her. Dooley -the other kitten- has had no problem. No other animal at the vets who were operated on after Mouse has had a problem. The vet took some swabs and got the results today .. he says they show an infection associated with Saliva Mucous Membrane. However, Mouse didn't lick her wound and there was no indication that she has been playing with her wound - no redness/swelling/sore spots etc. My friend thinks she might have started licking it after the wound had broken down, but shes not convinced about it being the cause of the infection.
Has anyone heard of this happening before
At the moment she really doesn't trust her vets and is thinking about moving all her animals to a different practice.