Well Monty has been with us for a week and a half now and he is the most loving, gorgeous friendly cat going. He's had blood tests and his kidneys don't seem to be anywhere near as bad as we thought which is good but his thyroid is rather high which points to the fact that maybe previous owners weren't managing tablets too well but may not be the case. He's having blood tests in another week and a half to see how he levels are now as I have been giving him his tablets correctly so we'll see if it's settled. High thyroid levels can mask early renal failure so the bloods will also give us a good idea of how kidneys are too. Once we have these the vet will be able to assess if he's a candidate for a thyroidectomy.
Well last night OH came downstairs cursing me for 'making him reallly like that cat!'

This is the man who said he wan't going to have anything to do with my foster cat and who was going to leave me to it... then when we were in with Monty afterwards he was talking to him saying 'if you were short haired I would give you a home'.
Well this evening when he got home from work, he came in and we were chatting and he suggested if Monty doesn't have a home in the next few weeks then maybe we should give him a home... Of course, after he'd said what he said last night it got me thinking about it too so I am quite keen on the idea of making him a permanent resident!
If he was a young cat I would be absolutely fine but cause of his age, neither of us like the idea of him being in care for a long time. Of course I am going to keep searching for a home for Monty but if one doesn't come along- we will be it! What will be will be I guess... I shall let fate decide!