Author Topic: Visualisation - Help Yourself and Your Animal friend when they go missing!  (Read 25012 times)

Offline Jiskefet

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When Tosca was missing, a lady from a Dutch cat forum told me she was in a place that was dark, even in the daytime, and she could see a window with a rounded top and 4 panes, like this.

She also told me she was injured on the left side of her face, and she smelt a rotting stench.
When Tosca came home, she had a festering, stinking wound under her left armpit and along her chest to the neck.
I never found out where she had been, but the wound and the smell were bang on.

Offline purrdy1

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Re: Visualisation - Help Yourself and Your Animal friend when they go missing!
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2009, 20:29:53 PM »
visualisation is a wonderful too!.....

please visualis your catrunning up the garden path and waltzing in starving hungry!!! :wow: and then sleeping for a week like he has jsut returned form teh holiday in a million!!!

be psoitive....the not knowiing is heeart wrenching....but worry makes you feel bad...visualise and try to keep positive! :doh:
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

Offline 2d

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When I was little our cat, Felix, went missing (I was 11 at the time - he was 5).  Obviously I was distraught (to the point I stopped going to school).

I remember that I kept having this dream (daydream and proper sleep dream), about him walking across the garden, and jumping up onto the window sill.

I have no idea whether there was anything in it, whether I had a connection with him and knew he was on his way, whether there was a connection that kept him going, or whether it was complete coincidence, but he arrived back on the window sill on Christmas Day (disappeared in mid Nov).  A lot worse for wear (treatment took nearly a year and cost over a grand in 1986!! - not that that mattered, of course - vet said it looked like he'd been tied up with rope that he'd gnawed off, and possibly deliberately harmed in other ways), and very hungry, but safe.  I (much) later discovered that there had been a ring operating in the county taking black and white cats for their fur.

As I said, no idea if there was anything in it, but I figure anything's got to be worth a try when a loved pet is missing.

Offline Bonkers Mad!!!

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Have to confess to using dowsing rods and a pendulum (needle on cotton!) when I lost my Baz....the amazing thing is that the dowsing rods were pointing in the right direction to where he was found in a lock anything is worth a try!  ;)

i lost a little rescue (Dolly) a few years ago and spent weeks knocking on doors with 3 or 4 recruits.  we leafleted a square mile of houses and were out every night for weeks looking for her.  i ended up turning to witchcraft and after some study i really got into Paganism.  we didnt find Dolly (i believe she was a victim of next doors dog and that they "disposed" of her) but since then i have tracked 3 missing cats using my pendulum.

visualisation is great if you are going to be home later than expected.  imagining yourself stroking the cats (and/or dogs) and telling them you'll be home soon could be the difference between coming home to a mess and sulky pets and coming home to calm and happy pets.  i'm convinced there's something in it.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 12:41:22 PM by Bonkers Mad!!! »
In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods;  they have not forgotten this  - Terry Pratchett

Offline Bazsmum

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Have to confess to using dowsing rods and a pendulum (needle on cotton!) when I lost my Baz....the amazing thing is that the dowsing rods were pointing in the right direction to where he was found in a lock anything is worth a try!  ;)

Offline maryas

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I tried a similar thing to this when Smudge went missing last September.  A colleague told me to imagine he was walking over fields and down streets on his way back to me.  I tried it now and again and as many of you know I got nearer to finding Smudge 3 weeks ago when his collar was found in another are but then I had a call from someone who had found him dead on the pavement.  He is now in my garden in the spot he loved so much and yes he is with me in spirit - so maybe it did work.  I tried everything I possibly could and if I had stand on my head and do something daft I would have done it to get my darling Smudge back - so please give it a try.  Good luck.


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Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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I recently found this article on CatChat and thought it may help those with missing furbabes:

If you feel particularly spiritually connected to your cat, you may like to try some visualization techniques, employed by some animal communicators. This is still quite a new and little understood area, and will not appeal to everyone, however if you think this is something you would like to try, print off the following PDF written by a practising communicator
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 13:11:33 PM by Sam (Fussy_Furball) »
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.


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