I had an uncle who was a bit like that when I was a kid.
After Felix disapeared for six weeks, and came back hurt, he never really wanted to go out any more - not like he used to. This uncle told me that we should let 'it' out, so that 'it' could use the garden, and then we could get rid of the litter tray.
After Felix died he came round to bury him, at my Nana's request, and called Felix 'it' again.
I don't remember ever actually talking to him properly again.....
I'm quite lucky now in the fact that all my friends like cats (or tolerate them quite happily). The only ones who can't go near them are very allergic -and one of those got picked her wee dog because he was the closest she could get to a cat without it killing her!
Ignore the silly moo.
She's obviously missing a part of her brain - the part that shows comapssion for another living being - be it animal or person.
If getting a life means being like that, I'd rather not have one. Besides, as my Nana used to tell me when I was a kid - if you can't occupy yourself for a few hours, but always need more excitement (from going out and having a life), then you clearly don't have much 'up top'.....
Surely, whether you rescue cats as part of an organized shelter, or just do what you can with your own pets and donations, etc, you're doing something really good - surely that's a more worthwhile life than going out clubbing or whatever?
Anyway, she clearly doesn't get that most cats are nicer than lots of people anyhow.