The use of these traps is barbaric and its roots lie more in a part of our medieval past which is best buried. I defy any animal lover not to be sickened by this story and similar stories involving domestic animals and wildlife.
I constantly ask myself the question as to whether we have evolved as a society. If, like me, you feel helpless when you read these ever increasing stories there is something you can do. Make your voice heard and say
Enough is enough.Please do not file it away as inevitable.
The Americans now have a strong animal lobby which has the ear of both Democarts and Republicans. At the last 2 elections they have posed questions to the presiential candidates, which was previously unheard of. They are now recognised as a large body who have a voice. They have a long way to go but they are further down the road in structured opinion.Votes are at stake. It needs to happen here but the RSPCA lack teeth.
Please sign petitions and, just as important, pass it to all your friends and urge them to respond. The politicians in this country from all sides need to know that animal care and welfare is not a side show. Many politicians really regard animal issues as not 'sexy enough' (their term not mine) to demand anything other than a political hug for upset constituents.
I appreciate that there will always be illegal trapping but if the law is strong enough to deal with them it is a start. Other than that, if he significantly reduces their use, it is also a start.
If this little cat's life has got to you, please support his tragic death so others may live. I realise I am addressing many who will have taken action but if I just reach one who hasn't it will well worth it.
It is long overdue that we say
No More.The following link is one of many telling you what you can do.