Author Topic: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...  (Read 6688 times)

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2009, 23:55:32 PM »
Yes lazer treatment has been suggested, Im going to talk this trough with my vet next time. My vet is very good, he is one of the partners of the vets, im going to see which letters he has behind his name next time  :evillaugh:

When Ollie had his teeth out it was done by one of the specailsts at my vets, he had to go to a different surgery with in the branch. The vet that done the op said his teeth just fell out, so obviously its his gums that are the problem.

I know if he has lazer treatment it will be an arm and maybe a couple of legs, but that would have to be an option if its going to save his life. After all its only money and you only live once. I dont think I would want to live at all if I dont feel Ollie has had a fair and long life, and its my duty to give him that  :)

Thanks for that Ruth  :)
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Offline koscha (Ruth M)

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2009, 19:12:48 PM »
Thanks girls.

Ruth Ollie had his teeth taken out at the back where his mouth is most affected, all his molars and pre-molars were removed, he only has from his fangs inwards. The vet thought this would sort the problem out and cant understand why it's so agressive even though the teeth have been taken out. I think the vet is stumped at to why this is still going on like it is. I think it's got more to do with his immune system, so Im going to talk to the vet next time and see if there are any drugs to surpress it.

Ruth will pm my email  :)

Ok have sent the journal article. From what the site says unless EVERY tiny piece of plaque,tooth even the lining of the tooth bed is removed then the problem will not stop..was the vet that through? Ask him to show you the records from the op so you can see whether it was a simple extraction or whether he did more work.....I'm not questioning his skill, but with an allergenic response like this then thoroughness is the key..

Has the laser therapy been mentioned....I read a few online articles that sing this therapies should be availiable in this country by now, but you may have to prod buttock to get it. Worth asking about it... ;)

I know i'm not a vet, (just a scientist with a good working knowledge of dental/ cranial problems (gained while doing undergrad dissertation) whos good at reading long speals of scientific jargon. :innocent: )... i just believe that people have a right to know what thier options are....

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2009, 18:31:19 PM »
The long acting jab he is having isnt the best AB out there, ask your vet for Antirobe, they are really really good for mouth infections (not so good on the bum lol) you see an improvement very quickly with these and are easily mixed into food  ;D

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2009, 17:23:14 PM »
Thanks girls.

Ruth Ollie had his teeth taken out at the back where his mouth is most affected, all his molars and pre-molars were removed, he only has from his fangs inwards. The vet thought this would sort the problem out and cant understand why it's so agressive even though the teeth have been taken out. I think the vet is stumped at to why this is still going on like it is. I think it's got more to do with his immune system, so Im going to talk to the vet next time and see if there are any drugs to surpress it.

Ruth will pm my email  :)
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Offline koscha (Ruth M)

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2009, 11:52:48 AM »
Ok as I understand it Ollies condition is bascially due to a severe allergic reaction to the plaque on his teeth. The neutrophils are present as they also have a role in the bodies response to allergens. It can be corrected, to a degree where he can live a reasonable life. Heres a very succinct article on it..... (apologies if its already been posted).

If you pm me with your email adress i'll send you a journal article for you to print out and read (I would suggest you even take it for the vet to browse) so that you know your options beyond ABs.

I personally would say having looked at the article that there is still a lot that can be done, take heart cc.  :hug:

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2009, 10:06:15 AM »
I do hope that the vet can suggest something new CC and hopefully he isn't at pts stage yet.
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2009, 00:28:11 AM »
Thanks  :hug:
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2009, 00:17:24 AM »
Worth asking at least  :hug: I know it's not quite the same thing 'cos I'm human but for around 9 months I thought that my asthma was bad due to the boys.  I would never rehome them so I put up with wheezing out loud every night, relentless coughing and breathlessness.  I had several week long courses of 'regular' antibiotics for chest infections throughout those 9 months but never got rid of the above symptoms.

I then had a sinus infection and the Doctor gave me some antibiotics I'd never heard of or had before, I googled them and they were mainly used in STD's!  I went back after a week as they hadn't got rid of the sinus infection completely and I got given another weeks owrth.  After two weeks on them my sinuses had cleared up and literally overnight I could breathe, wasn't wheezing or coughing and went from using my inhaler several times a night to not using it at all.

You're definitely doing the right thing by him, hope the vet has some positive suggestions next week  :hug:

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2009, 00:00:18 AM »
hum I dont know Helen, Im sure the vet would of suggested something. But then again I havent had him back to the vets since the last, Im worried the vet will confirm my susspicions  :(

Im taking him next week though as he needs something doing about it.

My reason for not letting him go is because there is noting wrong with him other than his mouth, and it seems a shame to loose him over that one thing. I did suggest to the vet lazer treatment in his mouth to take the top layer of skin off, the skin that is affected, but he says it would depend on how far it goes.

I suppose we will just have to see where it goes from here.

I really like Ollies vet, he has been very understanding and helped Ollie in every way he can, and has always tried to find an option for him. Never once has he suggested PTS, but I know when he does suggest it, the day has come  :(
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2009, 23:48:31 PM »
Are there stronger antibiotics that he could try to sort the infection out?  :hug:

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2009, 23:26:37 PM »
Thanks Wibblechick  :)

Ollie has had this condition since being 6 months old, it was noticed at his neutering. I went through a long haul with the PDSA, and decided to take him back to my normal vets as I nearly lost him last year. Since getting his teeth out last jan/ feb he has been  doing really well, he hadn't needed any anti-b's for almost 11 months. But he started getting infections in his mouth around christmas and has been to the vets twice to get anitibiotic jabs. And now for some reason it looks as if the infection is not going away  :(

At the end of the day both myself and the vet knows there is nothing more that can be done for Ollie other than to try and keep him stable. Which does not seem to be working anymore now.

So in reality I could of lost him last year if he didnt have his teeth out, strangely enough I would of said 2008 was the best year he's had up to know.

I just want him to not suffer and wish this was something the vets knew more about. It really pees me off thinking i could loose him over his mouth when the rest of his body is in good working order. It really makes me sick thinking about that and of course, his mouth is not something that can be removed  :(
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2009, 21:07:06 PM »

You's gals are gonna have to be there for me cos I dont think I will be able to let him go  :'(

Dont think too far ahead at the  moment - he is seeing the vet and being treated so you are doing all you can.  OF COURSE we will be here for you - whatever happens In the meantime  :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2009, 20:41:10 PM »
Right so have just read, they kill of the infection so thats a good thing I suppose? but they are over reacting and killing off other cells, this is what im making of it anyways.
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2009, 20:37:30 PM »
White cells is bad right?  :scared: Ollie has been tested for cancer, he had a biposy when he had his teeth out and it came back clear. But could this be his immune system attacking the cells in his mouth?

Im getting worried as he is getting lots of green salava at the sides of his mouth, since about christmas and i have to clean his mouth every day.

He's also not looking too good right now, although he seems fine in himself.

You's gals are gonna have to be there for me cos I dont think I will be able to let him go  :'(
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Offline koscha (Ruth M)

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2009, 09:10:44 AM »
Neutrophils are the most common form of white blood cell in the body. They attack and destroy any infective organisms and defective tissue. So the fact that this has been mentioned as part of the disgnosis means that there is an 'infective' element to his problem....

Try this link for info on neutrophils....

The ones right at the bottom are more specific....

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2009, 05:31:28 AM »
Yeah I have always know hes had the LPD but not really understanding the other bit  :shify:
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2009, 22:25:22 PM »
Finaily found out what Ollie has, phew lol     Its a long one here goes...........

lympho plasmacytic and neutrophilic gingivitis  :wow:

This it? Lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis

pretty much what I said apart from the neutrophilic bit  ;)

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2009, 21:00:30 PM »
Need to find out about the second one more but the pages are all full of rather long words and my eyes hurt  :tired:
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2009, 20:37:01 PM »
lol I had just read that one  :evillaugh:
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2009, 20:35:04 PM »
Yes they did BC  :)

Have just been looking up and found out these are 2 different conditions  :Crazy: poor Ollie  :(

It also said this is mostly linked to FIV and Calica virus  :shify:  Ollie was tested for FIV though.
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2009, 20:18:54 PM »
hope they wrote it down for you - what does it mean? :scared:

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2009, 20:13:15 PM »
Finaily found out what Ollie has, phew lol     Its a long one here goes...........

lympho plasmacytic and neutrophilic gingivitis  :wow:
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 20:14:40 PM by ccmacey »
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2009, 01:42:46 AM »
With him already having so many teeth out and his condition still staying with him, my vet does not think it would help. Although if it were a matter of life or death, as it had been before, then he would have the rest taken out.

After his op he did bounce back, he was getting loads of infections in his mouth and they seemed to stay at bay for about 10 months. They are coming back for some reason now, he has had 2 shots of anti-b's in the last 4 weeks and looks like he is needing another. I am having to clean the pussy saliva from his mouth every morning now. I really dont know where we go from here. I just want him to be well.
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2009, 01:09:30 AM »
if i remember rightly my mums cat started off having just a few teeth out but it didnt solve the problem.  in the end my parents decided to have them all removed and i remember that my mum was amazed at how quickly he bounced back.  he even managed to still bring in little pressies (usually voles) which was a bit of a shock to them.  after a couple of weeks he could even manage dry food.  it's drastic but maybe it worth considering having the rest of Ollies teeth out.
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2009, 01:01:26 AM »
Thats the point, Ollie had 16 teeth removed from the offending area and still to this day its not really getting any better. He still has teeth from his fangs inwards. Whats really upsetting me is he's going to have this for the rest of his life, he's had it from being 6 months old and will be 5 this July. He can still get really down with it and look a bit worse for wear cos of his grooming. I just wish the vets knew more so other things could be tried with him, he's also been on steroids since 6 months old, not really good for other body parts.

Whats getting me is no matter how many times he see's the vet, no matter how much money I spend, no matter how much I try to help him, nothing is working  :(

He is well in himself and lives the life of a normal cat, but when his mouth is sore or infected he can look really ill sometimes, which I dont like to see because there is nothing more than could be done for him. He could have the rest of his teeth out and thats the only other thing that we could try, but I would be reluctant, as would the vet, as the problem is at the back of his mouth. Would you believe his teeth were perfectly fine although he has this condition.

Just need to find how to help him more so we can all be happy, I dont want to loose him, have been there before with him and it hurt like hell.
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2009, 00:18:09 AM »
oh blimey, i think my mums cat had this and had to have all his teeth pulled out beause of it .
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2009, 23:31:25 PM »
No its caused by his immune system over reacting to the cells in his mouth and is some kind of gingivitis  :-:
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2009, 19:46:46 PM »
pyorrhea alveolaris?
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2009, 19:20:30 PM »
I reckon its Gillians answer just in a different format

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2009, 07:21:02 AM »
Proliferative gingivitis ?  (gum disease)
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2009, 00:21:20 AM »
Ah no I dont think its that, he has no teeth and the problem still persists  :tired:
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2009, 00:16:56 AM »
It could be I will google, thanks.
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2009, 00:03:19 AM »

pyorrhoea? not long enough though?......give up LOL!

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2009, 23:48:43 PM »
No Gillian, origanily I thought it was Hypo-plasmic gingivitus but I asked the vet last time and he came out with the p word with a long name lol
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2009, 23:26:22 PM »
This it? Lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2009, 22:05:07 PM »
I have a P condition  :evillaugh:

His symptoms, from what the vet has said, his immune system is reacting (over acting) to the cells in his mouth, at the back mostly. He gets inflammed gums and redness, soreness in his mouth, inner cheek. When he is ill he gets down in himself, he cant groom as well as he has a build up of saliver. He has also been getting a few infections of late where it causes his mouth to become pussy.

I think the vet said it was, Psy....... something like that.

Thanks gals  :)
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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2009, 21:23:11 PM »

These are the only P's I can find on google and the only one referring to the mouth is Periodontal Disease but that doesn't mention immune system.

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2009, 21:16:30 PM »
What are the symptoms hunnie?    Had a quick look through my books for obvious things but nothing with not much to go on.

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Re: Need help with something... name of Ollies condition...
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2009, 21:16:06 PM »
Try Googling the symptoms - that might give a clue - Im not sure what they are or Id give it a go I can think of one or two "P" conditions ..... Good luck  :)
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