Floors - oh yes, I go there too.
Especially the ones with heat vents.
Sadly, I am always too late there as well. I used to wonder why the house was so cold (apart from the climate and living in what is, effectively, an uninsulated house). But then I noticed.... The furnace comes on and we hear this "whoosh"....... Almost immediately followed by a "Whumpf".
Kitties landing on the furnace vents.
I also have to be extremely careful about apparently unoccupied chairs. I put blankets and such over the chairs a while ago in a totally stupid attempt to keep some of the cat hair off them as well as try to keep them safer from claws. Neither worked, by the way. I knew the claw one wouldn't but the other.....
They drill themselves under the blankets. So even 'unoccupied' chairs normally are occupied. One looks for those tell-tale 'lumps'.
Squeezing out room in the bed..... Never do I sleep with fewer than 9 kitties. And the pillows? Felix prefers to sleep on pillows. So I have extra. But Edgar (you just cannot understand Edgar. Everyone in town knows Edgar. Even those who don't much know or like me know and love Edgar. He's quite the Fellow) prefers not only to sleep on the pillow.... no.... He comes to bed. Demands to be allowed under covers. Where he goes, twirls around, pops his head back out and then sleeps .... him under covers and up against me, with head on pillow (don't ya know). My Baby and King, Winston, hates Edgar. Winston sleeps on top on me. This can cause difficulties when he sees Edgar..... We have had notable battles... with me and my poor head in the middle.....
Wouldn't have it any other way though, you know. Well, except maybe it being lots warmer. And the two of them not fighting so over me. And having more pillows and all to go around........