Author Topic: Just what a week we've had!  (Read 1320 times)

Offline Indys Mamma

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Re: Just what a week we've had!
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2009, 14:43:52 PM »
at least you know no unexpected bundles are on the way


Offline scattycat

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Just what a week we've had!
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2009, 13:42:11 PM »
Well I'm back at work - as last Tuesday I wasnt feeling that well, and 'bam' that night I get hit with a horrible viral thing - and had Wednesday through to Friday off work sick - been ages since I've been off sick!!!

That said - being at home ill is in a way 'lovely' as you do see that your cats know (somehow) that you're not feeling great, and one of our cats, Sully, in particular is very good at laying either near you or on you.

However - Wednesday morning (so when I'm feeling really like death warmed up) I see that Molly (our 5 month old female kitten) starts to roll around, churping away - I thought she was just being a happy kitty ... until I saw one of of our boys (Jasper) 'behind her' and holding her by the scruff of her neck!!!  :Crazy:

I texted my husband to say 'can a 5mth old be in heat' - which he googled and said yes! Then it was trying to keep them apart, but I'm sure they were worse than teenagers!!!

On the Thursday I called the RSPCA to just double-check that when we re-homed him that he had been 'done' - which they said yes (thankfully!) - so the little so and so was just a randy little thing, humping his sister!!!

Thankfully on the Saturday she didnt make so much of the noises and actions - and now appears to have stopped - but it was just so funny as she's tiny and Jaspers not that big but he looked huge on her!  My husband said he felt it was a bit like if you hear your parents having s*x, and not knowing what to do  :rofl:

She is booked to be spayed at the end of the month - so thankfully wont have any of that again  ;D


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