Hiya, with all this talk about FIV cats, may I introduce my boy Max
He has FIV, I adopted him when he was about 2-3, and he's been with me for 8 years now
If you want an indoor only cat, these furries are absolutely ideal, as they have to be inside as their immune system is compromised, and also they shouldn't really mix with other cats outside in case they fight, and they can then pass it on.
In terms of living with an FIV cat, its really no different whatsoever to having a non-FIV cat.
The only think you have to think about is cattery care if you want to go on holiday as some can be a bit funny about this (lack of knowledge is a dangerous thing
), but to be honest, if I went away for longer than a few days, I'd arrange for a cat-sitter anyway, so it becomes a non-issue.
Good luck, hope you find your purrfect companion