dont get me wrong, there have been and occasionally are times i'd love to "get rid" of the other half
specially when he freezes my cadbury mini eggs
he has many a time ranted to get rid of various animals, of course i never have and he knows i never would and its heat of the moment type stuff when he says it and he'd never try to enforce it LOL
As for cody, well mmmm he must really dislike cody for cody to wait while dh gets seated in an evening on his recliner to eat his tea, feet up on stool..its all the boy can do and soon as hubbys feet up cody is straight onto his legs for a snooze LOL
Dh used to really like and play with fraser but years of stepping in cat vomit and hair everywhere has taken its toll there, not the cats fault i know but well...least dh not nasty to cats nor does he ever wish something nasty to happen to them... he however has never taken to seb...I didnt consult or discuss when i took him home i just did it no questions as he was the spit of my sooty..seb isnt massively a people person and we've spent years going to all sorts of lengths to stop him escaping but even when he has hubby has helped me look for him and often he managed to get seb to go to him before he'd come to me when he's hiding outside. plus seb has he most horrendously annoying wail esp when im trying to get his food bowl down and even that gets on my nerves..honestly its sooooo bad. I'd say dh " tolerates" them pretty well so i cant say too much
of course i do wish he'd just tolerate them without moaning to me about them LOL...also i know that when i have to spend money at the vets there wont be a bottomless pit for them
and unless i am working at that point and time i know it will be a tricky line i'll be walking. All the animals were insured before but it was costing around 450quid per year for the 4 aminals (this was pre cody) and he was really moaning about that so i had to cancell it all..i guess thinking in hind sight...most of his moaning has been since i stopped work and basically he;s been paying for them all esp when we were really hard up so i suppose that must have something to do with it and i hadnt really thought of that myself before.