Author Topic: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder  (Read 2480 times)

Offline MrsR

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2008, 18:54:50 PM »
Glad he is home.

Offline Topsy Turvey

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2008, 17:51:00 PM »
Just noticed this thread.  Sorry to hear about Wilf and glad he's on the mend x

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2008, 10:58:46 AM »
Glad it went well and Wilf is back home.

Offline madkittyrescue

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2008, 10:36:16 AM »
sorry to hear that Wilf is having problems with his bladder Harna :hug:  but pleased that he's home and doing well.

We've had problems with our Zorro and his bladder on and off for the last 18 months.  we have found with him that its usually stress that sets it off as opposed to anything else and we always know when its starting as he starts to pee in the corner in the hall rather than the litter tray!

He was catheterised the first time it happened on an afternoon and then sent home to rest in familiar surroundings with a prescription of Metacam and Baytril to help ease any infection and pain and inflamation.  It did the trick and they tested his urine for crystals too.  If we begin to see a problem starting these days he gets a couple of days of Metacam just to be on the safe side and it usually subsides without any problems whatsoever.  In our vets opinion they don't like to catheterise too often if I remember correctly it was due to them having concerns about it weakening the bladder and they would rather normal bladder function is restored quickly to prevent any other problems or infection.

We haven't had any problems for the last 6 months or so (touching wood) and have noticed a difference in general since we switched the dry food to RC. Although ours cats or rescues are never on a 100% dry diet and always supplement with wet food.  Although we are lucky in that all of ours are good drinkers and we have water fountains all over the house.

Every cat is different as is every vet but the main thing is that he is home and doing well :hug:
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Offline Leanne

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2008, 09:30:29 AM »
I think I was just a little shocked because with my own experience Memphis was catheterised for the majority of the time he was in, so there was no worry of re-blockage whilst he was in the vets (think it was something like 3 days). They wanted to make sure he was producing decent amounts of urine. Must be just a case of different vets having different procedures.

Same here as well. Everyone is different I guess.

Offline Den

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2008, 23:00:00 PM »
I think I was just a little shocked because with my own experience Memphis was catheterised for the majority of the time he was in, so there was no worry of re-blockage whilst he was in the vets (think it was something like 3 days). They wanted to make sure he was producing decent amounts of urine. Must be just a case of different vets having different procedures.

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Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2008, 22:40:27 PM »
Its the best thing really Den, like with my Ben, vet knew he wouldnt perform at the vets and thats the very last thing they want is for them to hold it in! - and as I said, he came home and did a big wee once he was relaxed in his familiar surroundings.

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2008, 21:45:45 PM »
So glad he's home  :Luv: .. although after my experience with Memph I'm quite shocked that they let Wilf home so soon.

Get better little man  :hug:

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Offline Harna

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2008, 20:42:31 PM »
Hello everyone - thanks so much for your kind words. I just popped in to say that we collected Wilf this afternoon after a successful op - he's had his bladder 'washed out' and is home with a special diet and some antibiotics. He's a little groggy but currently sitting next to the food cupboard shouting so I think he's feeling okay. We had a shaky moment about half an hour after he came home when he went and sat in the litter tray for about 5 minutes without moving - but a quick call to the vet helped allay our fears. We are keeping a close eye on him but he is not happy to be segregated from the other cats with a separate litter tray so we can 'monitor output.'

Thanks again - I will read that thread later tonight when I have spent some lap time with the three bunyips and I might pop in again to ask pertinent questions to those who have experience!


Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2008, 20:26:09 PM »
Best wishes for Wilf  :hug:

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2008, 14:20:18 PM »
Hope Wilf is ok  :hug:

I had this with Ben (persian too) - it must be 5 or 6 yrs ago now, he blocked and it was an emergency dash to the vet at 3 am! He had to be catheterised to clear the blockage, and he was kept in overnight and until early evening next day. He hadnt wee'd properly at the vets, but vet believed he was more likely to wee normally at home rather than in a strange place - and he did indeed do a good wee a few hours after he came home - it was a tense time though.

He was supposed to eat a prescription diet - but he didnt like it - anyway that was when I changed all my cats onto raw diet - and we never had another problem, not even cystitis. Its not always just one thing that causes this, but can be several factors, like diet, water intake, stress, activity levels, and weight.

Its very scarey when it happens I know.  :hug:

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2008, 12:19:28 PM »
I don't have any practical advice, just wanted to wish Wilf a very speedy recovery and hope he's home very soon  :hug: :hug:

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Offline Leanne

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2008, 11:49:44 AM »
I've been though this with Jess as well. I was seriously scared I was going to lose him. So I totally understand how you feel, Jess is my little man and is my first cat (milo is very much my husbands)

BUT he came though it, Jess was sedated and cathertised and was in for 3 nights in total. But his fine now and we're coping with his stress really well and we've not had any more episodes since.

Wilf is in the best possible place and it sounds like you have a great vet as well which helps.

Let us know how Wilf gets on. You know where we all are, there are a few of us who have been though this  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Den

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2008, 10:58:14 AM »
Have a read of this thread (sorry it's long),19627.0.html

I've just gone through the same thing with Memphis. It was my first time every experiencing this and it was most certainly a shock to my system I definiately know how you are feeling  :hug: Wilf is in very good hands with the vets  :hug:

If you have any questions just ask - there are several people who've had to go through this as well.

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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2008, 10:25:40 AM »
don't worry our Bluto blocked up once and was rushed to the vet on a saturday night at 11.30 - it did go on a special diet after that but never had a problem again probably about 7 years

Offline Harna

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Just had to leave Wilf at vets- blocked bladder
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2008, 10:24:04 AM »
Hello all,

haven't been on here much recently - life seems to have taken over. . . .

Anyway, I wanted some reassurances, if possible, about the shocking event of this morning - I've had to leave Wilf at the vets because he needs to be sedated and some stuff done as they say he has a blocked bladder. I am really upset.

We got Wilf (and his brother, Alfie) from the RSPCA in March. Their previous owner said that they had a history of cystitis - my vet telephoned the old owner's vet (details left at the RSPCA) and were told that there was no evidence to support this. However, ever mindful of the possibility and the fact that Wilf didn't like to drink from a still bowl of water, I purchased a water fountain and all the family are instructed to let him drink from the bath taps.

I noticed yesterday, early afternoon, that Wilf was using his tray more often than usual. Then in the evening, he just sat in it for AGES. I got worried but apart from being in his tray more, he ate his tea, was purring and managed to take some more baubles off the bottom branches of the Christmas tree. It was a different story this morning, though - we woke up to a cat in obvious pain and discomfort. He couldn't sit or stand properly and meowed a warning if we went too close to him or touched him. I sat by the phone until 8am when the vet opened and took him straight in.

We have a *fantastic* vet and he knew immediately what the problem is. They are going to give him a sedative and see if that relaxes the bladder and, if not, will catheterise him. He is going to be in at least overnight.  I have great trust in my vet (who we have been going to for almost 16 years) but this time last year, Mahla, another of our cats, went in for an exploratory op and was found to be riddled with tumours and we had to make the awful decision not to wake her from the anaesthetic.  Wilf is the 6th persian we have had and all of them have been special - and I know we are not supposed to have favourites but . . . well, I have a special bond with Wilf and my heart is hurting right now . . . .


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