Author Topic: Willow is stressed out!  (Read 1954 times)

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2008, 09:26:23 AM »
Best of luck with the Zylkene, please keep us updated

Offline Leanne

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2008, 09:08:24 AM »
I'm going to send you another PM

Offline Puffball (Louise)

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2008, 21:45:43 PM »
Thanks so much for the advice and support everyone (and the PM Leanne). I had a long conversation with the vet today and it is Zyklene she's recommending which I will pick up tomorrow.  I would not consider rehoming Asha unless as a last resort so I asked if it would be helpful to see a behaviourist and I think I made the vets day! She said she was reluctant to suggest it as she has only ever had negative responses in the past and most owners are not prepared to go that far  >:(

I asked if they had a contact they normally use and she said no... considering this is the hospital of the Royal Veterinary College I am surprised and guess it goes to prove what she says about owners being unwilling to take that extra step  :( If I'd been in the room with her I think she may have hugged me! Anyway, she is writing me a letter of referral and I will use the contact Leanne PM'd me unless anyone else can recommend another behaviourist in the London area?

If none of this works then I will have to consider rehoming Asha, but that would break my heart.. though seeing Willow suffer does this anyway!!! But I could never live with myself if I went down that route before exploring every alternative.

So thanks again and I will let you know how it works out

Louise X

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2008, 12:07:57 PM »
there's another anti depressant that begins with a C but I'm too daft to remember its name - newer and maybe safer than amitryptyline. Max was on busparone (human anti anxiety med) for a few months for very severe stress while in Cape Town, which didn't have any side effects but it didn't work (next door's dog smells coming through or over a thick cement fence which made him spray all over the house  :Crazy: : only solution was to move and he's not sprayed since we moved in 2004 - to the behaviourist's amazement, as he was really bad). If I can remember I will ask the vet again tomorrow when I see him. I know he only recommends using in severe cases though.
Zylkene's not a drug so may be the first one to start with.

Offline Leanne

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2008, 11:13:31 AM »
Swampmaxmum is right.

If Zylkene hadn't been successful we were going to try Amitripyline which is an anti depressant but I'll admit I wasn't keen on the idea

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2008, 10:00:41 AM »
Hi, I think Zylkene helps with stress as well. However it's not that strong and it does sound like the source of stress is Asha unfortunately. I hadn't realised until recently that cystitis in cats is generally stress caused, not bacterial, which is just harder to sort out. All the best. Hope it helps. There are other, stronger drugs for stress which are anti-depressants so maybe it's not Zylkene but one of them?

Offline Leanne

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2008, 09:36:52 AM »
Hi Puffball,

We have used Zylkene with Jess and it has been really successful, I'll be honest I was skeptical (I keep meaning to email Your Cat because about the letter regarding Zylkene) but I have to say it has calmed Jess down remarkably. His always been a bit stressy but the combinations of us leaving him 17 nights, Milo arriving, christmas decorations, and our neighbours getting a dog literally sent Jess over the edge and he had numerous bouts of stress related cystitis resulting in one blocked bladder and then a partial blockage a week later. Literally he would get so stressed he wouldn't wee.

Jess trialled Zylkene in April for 3 months and we kept a diary for our vet, the changes were amazing, he is almost a different cat. BUT we also saw a behaviourst and I think the 2 together is what really broke the cycle. Now though Jess is really calm, this year he has sat and watched fireworks and sat under the christmas tree both of which he would never have done last year. We are keeping him on it for the long term he also has cystease to help the lining of his bladder.

If you really want it to work at it what about seeing a bahaviourist to see if they could help? I'll PM you in a minute.

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2008, 08:58:44 AM »
Zylkene is a natural anti anxiety medication, as mentioned, made from milk protein.  It has no known side effects and does not require a prescription.  It did help Charlie initially but I am not sure it is now.  Leanne will probably post herself but I understand she has had remarkable success with Jess on it.  Best of luck

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2008, 08:08:01 AM »
Zylkene could work, it was featured in Your Cat magazine, but I would be tempted to try other things as well, from what I Read, it is made from a milk protein to help calm them . Cystaid could work though, it helps the lining of the bladder so they are less prone to it, but the biggest thing is removing stress. I personally would be looking at rehoming though, it isn't fair to cause one of your cats to be poorly due to not getting on, some black cats find homes instantly, some dont. A local rescue might be able to put them on their website while they stay with you, we do that.
Please spay your cat

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2008, 01:24:56 AM »
I don't have any advice on the situation in general I'm afraid but could the medication have been Zyklene?  If so that's not an anti-depressant as such but is used for stress in cats, as far as I know it's a natural product.  I know Charlie (Maddiesmum) Jess (Leanne) have both used it with some success I believe.

Anyway,  :hug: to Willow and hopefully someone who has had a similar experience may be able to give you some advice  :hug:

Offline Puffball (Louise)

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Willow is stressed out!
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2008, 01:15:09 AM »
My poor little darling is being bullied! I haven't been on much lately so as a reminder Willow is now two and I got Asha as a kitten in May this year to be company for her, haha... how naive I was!!!

The vet called me today and suggested an antidepressant for Willow, not sure on spelling as I've googled it with no results  but it sounded like zelkan/selkan. Anyone ever heard of/tried something similar? I am concerned about a medication for life that is not medically necessary but I see no alternative  :(

As background... In the last month Willow's had cystitis twice. First time I was not concerned and she responded to treatment well, but two weeks later it was back with a vengeance and the poor darling was back and fore to her litter tray every two mins at least. Within a day she had given up on the tray and was was squatting in all the places she usually likes sleeping... looking for comfort I think as the tray became associated with pain. It's heart breaking to see your cat wee in her favorite bed then flop down and sleep in it anyway! Not a happy cat.

Anyway, she didn't respond to treatment after 48 hours and the vet admitted her and did tests. One week and £400 later (including previous treatments) she is OK and all her bloods and urine are normal...phew. But the vet thinks Asha is stressing her out and I agree as she is very dominant and they tolerate each other rather than being friends. We have 3 litter trays, 3 water bowls and 2 feliway diffusers all in separate rooms plus food is hidden all over my flat for them to find, so resources aren't an issue.

I did consider re homing Asha whom I got from a neighbour that was going to advertise as free to a good home, but realistically she is a black moggy and no longer a cute kitten. She may be the most affectionate cat that ever lived but what chance has she got of re homing?!!!! If I had a friend to take her in that would be OK but I can't chance leaving her sitting in a rescue for months, I would feel awful!!!!

I tried to do all the right things when Asha arrived... separation for a week or so follow by room swapping for scent mixing then gradual introductions, but clearly they will only ever tolerate each other at best. I hoped things would clam down when Asha was spayed in Sept but here we are! Willow would have no problem being re homed as she's such a beauty but that's not an option, she was my first ever cat and is my special baby.

So do I try the medication the vet and suggested or does anyone have any other ideas?

Sorry, long posts seem to be my speciality but thanks for reading and any advice gratefully received


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