I am allergic to most airborne irritants (dust, pollen, cat/dog/rabbit/anything furry dander) and just put up with it. I don't do myself any favours as I also have allergy induced astham but it is very mild.
I always have a window open to help air circulate, vaccum soft furnishings and I do take Piriton every day which I'd rather not have to do but I won't be without a furry family.
A tip to sufferers, don't do what I do quite often, I stroke the cat, forget to wash my hands and stick my fingers in my eyes. Watch as I slowly turn into someone who looks like they've got a very nasty eye infection!
Allergies are rubbish but there's a lot can be done to help reduce the effects and when you live with what you are allergic to you do build a bit of a tolerance.