TBH Ela I think the cat feeder is allowed to comment on the condition of a cat without whisking him off to the emergency weekend vet!
I appreciate what you say , I was going to add perhaps at least phone you first, but clicked and just left it. Hopefully this time it is nothing but as I say occasionally a pet cannot afford to wait. Over the years while I have been away so many times my pets have needed to go to the vets and had they not been taken they would have not been here when I got back sadly sometimes they weren't.** I appreciate not in this case this time but it does happen. Obviously I can only comment from my own experiences.
** This reminds me of Suki I had in many years ago, she seemed so well when I left for my holiday in Cornwall. Whenever I go away I always think of all my pets once a day and imagine where they will be at that time. For the first 4 days when I got to Suki saw her in her heated bed. On the Tuesday when I got to Suki I saw her but i could not see her face as a Vail seemed to be over it. That happened every day for the next for the next 12 days. On the day before we were due to come home we were walking round St Ives and the phone rang, I answered it and it was Sheena the cat carer, she said Elaine, I said stop I know what you are going to tell me, Suki has been PTS. she said yes a week last Tuesday I noticed she was not to well and when I get her to the vet they found she had numerous tumours. and there was no choice but to let her go.