My sweet Lennie, faithful companion for almost 7 years, died on Monday the 6th at only 8 years of age. After our joint battle to try and strengthen his heart, we sadly lost. It has ripped a hole into my heart, even though I know his suffering has now ended. I am glad that he lived long enough for me to say some quality good bye and that his fur was allowed to grow back after all the investigations.
I miss him terribly as he was my first ever cat and also the first I have lost.
i have even arranged a little funeral at the rscue he came from and where I now volunteer. They have a memorial garden there and some lovely trees for shelter. He will love it there and I can always pay a visit.
Every day I miss the greetings at the door and the cuddles 'welcome home'. Am all tears writing this even. Good bye my friend and good bye also from your sister Martha who is still with me. I promise I will look after her for you.