I didn't realise this was such a problem until the other week when my Dad had a strange encounter with a Cat in the back Garden of my parents house. He went outside to get some rubbish and found a black and white puss staggering around on the lawn and when he approached it to see what it was doing the cat stood perfectly still then fell over! My Dad, being an animal loving person ran straight into the house, told my Mum what was happening with this strange Cat in the garden, then took off up the street to a CP lady that lives near them. She gave him a Cat Carryer and told him to get the Cat into it then bring it to her and she would take it to a vets.
Apparently the puss was so groggy my Dad literally pured it into the basket
The lady rang my parents a few hours later to explain that the cat had been pisoned by Antifreeze and that it is pretty common for cats to drink it due to it's sweet taste! My Mum and Dad were both shocked as they had never heard of this, and neither had I to be honest. The meanest thing I'd ever heard of anyone doing to deter cats, was a Man my dad once knew leaving sponge outside his house soaked in kipper milk, which the cats would then eat...and well, you can imagine the consequences, the horrible man.
Anyway, I thought i'd just share this tale of woe.