Hello everyone,
My little boy slept next to me nearly all night
This morning, his wound had become worse and did not look good at all.
I took him to the vets and they said he had be bitten by another cat and had an abscess. He also had a termperature and a swollen gum on the side of the abscess which was making it difficult for him to eat.
The vet lanced the abscess, which was not nice to see; poor little mite must have been suffering and felt relief after. She gave him a jab of slow release pencillin (it would have been impossible to give him tabs due to the location of the bite).
He has to stay in for 4/5 days and I have to remove any scab that forms as the wound needs to heal from the 'outside in'. Not sure if he is going to let me do this but I am assuming that if I bathe the wound with the cooled boiled salt water (vet said twice daily for 2/3 days if he lets me) this will help to remove the scab. Does anyone know if this sounds feasible?
I feel awful because he keeps sitting on the windowsill wanting to go out and won't use his litter tray
Thanks to everyone for your support and advice, it's nice to know that other people care.