Thats great Mark, good ol Clapton
I have recently sussed out a novel way of giving Misty His Fortekor
for the last year I have been buying Him Pit'r Pat treats He just Loves them, sometimes swallowing whole without crunching them, which gave me the Idea of tricking Him, and it works
although I now think He is starting to get wise to it
Hamish used to be a nightmare when it came to giving medication both paws would come up and prise my hands away from his mouth, and His
claws were like Needles
Misty on the otherhand is a lot better, and allows me to tilt his head back and chuck the fortekor down ees throat
but he doesn't like it
and struggles sometimes
anyhoo this is what I have been doing for the last 6 mornings
Take the Fortekor out of foil and place in hand along with one Pit'r Pat treat, I then show Misty the treat and let Him smell it(
note intrigued look on face)
get him a wee bit more excited by waving hand in front of his face. then do a paul daniels impersonation and swap the treat for the Fortekor, throw it on
the ground and sit back and laugh to yourself as Misty Crunches it up Purring at the same time
I then give Him the Pit'r treat to take away
the bad taste
although I now think He is starting to get suspicious
like gwen says " They arent thick "
anyway, I'm so glad Clapton has eaten Something