Author Topic: ooohh errrr.....  (Read 1143 times)

Offline nicchick

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Re: ooohh errrr.....
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2008, 15:57:21 PM »
ah well simbas play cry he does when we play "kill the teddy" game - he basically jumps on the teddy, wrestles with it and makes this high pitched meowing - he loves the game and he seems to do it when he is excited and not when he has had enough if that makes sense. He is also chattering to her so he is certainly the happy one.

But it seems to be Kookie who may be getting upset then, but she is so much smaller than simba (he is a maine coon).... :scared:
She doesnt always do the funny meow so it isnt everytime they "play".


Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: ooohh errrr.....
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2008, 15:50:52 PM »
Rough play can be a bit alarming, especially when one cat is bigger than the other.  When I first introduced my two adult males to each other back in May, they would play so rough that it really scared me.  I did break them up quite a few times but they soon learned to ignore me.  I then bought two water pistols and kept them loaded, one in my computer room and another in the family room.  Then when they would get to rough for MY liking, I would give a little squirt blast of water and it did the trick.  I no longer have to do that, as they both play together rather nicely now, still rough sometimes but not overly rough.

Offline lilynmitz

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Re: ooohh errrr.....
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 15:41:22 PM »
It does just sound like rough play to me, but cats will signal when they've had enough by different cries, which sounds like what yours are doing.  The problem starts if the other one ignores these, and gets REALLY stuck in, in which case both will start screeching a bit more.  Then it's time to step in and distract them when that happens - just a gentle tap of the back of each cat and a sterm word will usually do it, as it makes them forget who they're beating up and step back long enough to break the moment.  If they suddenly start fighting again, separate them for a minute or two to allow them to calm down.

Offline nicchick

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ooohh errrr.....
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 15:35:16 PM »
Well after slowly introducing resident cat with kitten about a week and a half ago, it was going really well, and still is I guess I want a bit of assurance.....

Simba (resident cat) was quite gentle with the kitten to begin with and they did a lot of playing chase, hide and seek and swatting, but not very much wrestling. They are currently both having full access to the house when we are there, but still being seperated at night and when we are out. The thing is simba is getting more rough with her and its worrying me that she might be getting worried.

She isnt nervous of him and is happy to walk past him, sit near him, eat next to him etc, but now when they play its a lot more rough and tumble which usually ends up with her on the floor on her back and simba standing up (she is quite small compared to him). He sometimes snaps at her when they are wrestling, but not sure if they are gentle snaps or aggressive ones. Their ears arent pulled back however Kookie has started making this noise that is quite quiet and is halfway between a meow and a cry/grunt. Not sure if its her playing meow (simba has a high pitched version but he does it with his toys as well) or if she is unhappy. However, she does still initiate play with him and is happy to be near him.

So, how do I tell if it is happy play or if one of them is unhappy, and what should I do about it?? Help! Im starting to panic!
My other half rekons they are just playing a bit it?!



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