Author Topic: Jameson and the Fox - video footage  (Read 2740 times)

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2008, 14:27:27 PM »
That is a sad story. :(

I wouldn't say we encourage it, OH also made it very clear I shouldn't feed them either.  They've pooed in our garden and on our patio so we've sprayed it down with catapult (prevents foxes/cats/dogs to do their biz on your lawn).
Yes we could try to shoo the fox away, but our garden is right behind where they live so they would still come in when we're not around/at night time. And since Jameson has outdoor access it is virtually impossible to monitor where he goes - he hangs out in the same areas as the foxes and the other neighbour cats.

In the article below it states that the foxes were bold and agressive (and a family!), whereas here we have a single mum and maybe 1 or 2 other foxes that has displayed no aggression whatsoever.

I totally know where you're coming from, the first time I saw it I got really worried, but a year on and what we see now is just amazing, stuff you'd see on the Discovery channel. Of course with wildlife you will never know... but we can just hope the animals in the shrublands (cats, foxes, squirrels, birds..) will continue living in some sort of harmony together.

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2008, 21:15:32 PM »
I dont like to put a dampener on things but i wouldnt encourage it....I would hate anything to happen to Jameson  :hug:
Taken from my local paper

"TWO cats have been attacked, and one of them killed, by foxes who have colonised an empty home.

Kevin and Tania Dee, of Brampton Road, Bexleyheath, witnessed both attacks and say animal organisations which claim such attacks are unusual, are talking rubbish.

The couple, who have three cats, say the attacks are part of a pattern of increasingly bold and aggressive behaviour by a family of foxes which they think have made their home in a next-door garden.

But their exasperation with the foxes turned to horror when one of the adult animals pounced on their cat, Moggy, grabbing one of its back legs and biting right through to the bone as they watched.

The couple tried to shoo the fox away to rescue Moggy.

“It was not frightened by our actions in the slightest and certainly took his time in leaving the garden,” said Mr Dee, 42, who works for BT.

Moggy had lost a lot of blood and an emergency vet had to put in 25 stitches to close the wound, resulting in a £174 bill.

But worse was to come. Just days later, the couple heard a terrible screaming coming from their neighbour’s back garden. They ran outside and looked over the fence.

There, they saw another adult fox with their neighbour’s cat clamped in its jaws. Again, despite attempts to frighten it away, the fox took its time in letting go of the cat and leaving the garden.

Their neighbour Christine Barra came rushing out but it was too late to save Sniffy who died of its injuries in her arms.

Mrs Barra says she has no idea why the fox attacked Sniffy. “It was sad but foxes are wild animals and people should be aware of that.” Mr Dee says when they contacted various authorities, including Bexley Council and the RSPCA for help in getting rid of their fox neighbours, they were told repeatedly such behaviour was very rare.

“It was even implied we had not actually seen the foxes doing anything at all,” he added.

“But our experience is foxes are becoming more aggressive and certainly aren’t afraid of humans anymore.”

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2008, 21:57:10 PM »
we have 2 resident foxes and they come every night, 1 at 9pm and the other at 11 pm, there are 4 of us that feed them and i never tire of watching them,sometimes we have a cat find the chicken and they tuck in and altho the fox may be there he wont come in close until the cat has finished even if it means waiting 20mns or more,, weve only had one litter and that was last year she had 2 cubs but none this year
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Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2008, 21:37:09 PM »

This is an older video - moments before we watched Jameson and the fox playing tug-a-war with a dead bird! (we still don't know which one of them caught the bird, but it exchanged mouths a few times during that afternoon)

All you can see is them running off together, I missed the rest as ran in to grab the camera!
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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2008, 21:33:11 PM »
its actually a falacy about foxes taking cats, the only time they will chase them is when they have cubs and then they will chase them away but very rare for one to attack because of a cats claws, :scared: 
Yes, and that makes sense, as a few months ago the fox had 2 cubs, and whenever we saw them we also noticed that Jameson made a point of staying clear of them.
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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2008, 21:13:16 PM »
That was brilliant to watch, i have several miles of woodland on my front garden(my gate goes straight into woods ) and i often watch my neighbours cats with the foxes at night,its actually a falacy about foxes taking cats, the only time they will chase them is when they have cubs and then they will chase them away but very rare for one to attack because of a cats claws, :scared: 
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Offline maryas

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2008, 20:47:11 PM »
 :omg: :pic sneek: :clap:
Wow, Amazing, Fantastic - I loved the videos and I loved Jameson's bum action in the shorter one when he thought he was going to be able to jump on the fox .

Thanks for sharing.

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Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2008, 19:15:08 PM »
All the foxes we've 'met' are extremely ''tame'' (in lack of a different word). We found one in the garden one morning, playing with a tennis ball.
Jameson likes sitting on the shed roof and look down on them as they search for dinner. Then he jumps down, and sometimes sees them out of the garden, and sometimes give a sniff to say hello. He seems to like being 'in charge' - he'll always run up to us afterwards and meow, as if he's saying ''did you see me, meowmy, are you proud?''.
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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2008, 18:43:41 PM »
Thats amazing!! :Luv2:

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 18:31:05 PM »
Amazing isn't it. And weirdly enough, I am not worried the fox will attack. We've seen this happen on quite a few occassions. If there was a slight hint of danger/tension I would worry, but as it is there is no need for it.
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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2008, 23:44:42 PM »
Wow, and double wow  :wow:  I particularly liked the camera movement in the first one, darting from one side of the fence to the other  :evillaugh:

Offline Gwen

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2008, 22:20:19 PM »
Wonderful but yet scary,I'd be worried about them attacking poor J :scared:
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Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 22:10:03 PM »
That is just truly amazing, a wonderful thing to watch.

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 21:57:07 PM »
Second video footage - you can see the fox's head popping out on the side of the (side-standing) rabbit hutch
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Offline tigerbaby

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Jameson and the Fox - video footage
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 21:32:17 PM »
As many of you know, our cat Jameson is not afraid of foxes and is usually very keen to say hello and interract with them! We have, on numerous occassions seen them play etc, chasing each other, sniffing each other.

We think this is one of the recent fox cubs from the lady fox in our shrublands.

It is so amazing watching Jameson and this fox interract - they are so careful yet so curious! Jameson loves it - there is no aggression whatsoever, no hissing, spitting or back arching!

Here is one video and the other shorter one is being uploaded as I'm typing this.
(the video is 2 min long and begins with Jameson being in our garden and the fox on other side of fence.)

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