Author Topic: New kitten has upset Willow  (Read 1805 times)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: New kitten has upset Willow
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2008, 22:34:19 PM »
Feliway can take a month to work, so it is worth persevering with.
Please spay your cat

Offline zevxev

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Re: New kitten has upset Willow
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2008, 22:24:02 PM »
Hi,I have tried feliway diffuser, Had it 3 weeks sorry to say it didn't work. Yes we have decided to keep them separate for now or at least until Ole calms down a bit. He is to be neutered in November.They say that may calm him down alittle.Funny thing is they sniff noses on our bed then fall asleep as though everything is ok. I think maybe Amy just tolerates Ole when he is sleeping, or at least senses that he is going to behave himself. Where as when they are downstairs Ole just wants to play.And I think Amy senses that and wants none of it .Bless her, I'm sure one day they will get on better in time. Its just a shame for poor Amy shes such a lovely mannered cat normally all the neighbours love her. And children pet her and ask after her.Fingers crossed we will get there eventually.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: New kitten has upset Willow
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2008, 18:58:20 PM »
The key is patience patience patience, weeks not days.

Some cats/kittens have no problem with each other but when they do its a waiting game and being very careful.

Its sounds like Willow and Asha are starting to improve together but the problem is what is it doing for Willows stress......have you tried Feliway diffusers?

I think trying to backtrackm with them would not be a good idea if they are starting to shre things but somefeliway may helkp.

Iwould also give Willow a lot of special time.

zev i think you maybe need to start introductions completely again and keep the two seperate for a while.

Offline zevxev

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Re: New kitten has upset Willow
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2008, 18:49:36 PM »
Hi,I'm new to this site. I know what your going through. We a have had a kitten of 14 weeks for a few weeks now.As with your willow our bedroom is a only Amy zone.although from time to time they will sleep there apart.Its as though it a peaceful mutual ground. When they are downstairs together the kitten jumps at Amy and  she hisses and lashes out. But Ole just keeps coming back for more.So poor Amy ends upstairs again .we're at a loss of what else we can do. Just have to hope it will improve.

Offline kris

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Re: New kitten has upset Willow
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2008, 09:53:21 AM »
Sounds like you are doing everything that you possibly can to help willow come to terms with sharing, perhaps they won't ever be best friends but hopefully reach a point of tolerating each other happily enough, obviously having soft poos isn't ideal though, hopefully some special time with you and away from the pesky kitten  :Crazy: will help her relax about it all.

Offline Puffball (Louise)

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Re: New kitten has upset Willow
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2008, 00:42:48 AM »
Thanks for your replies.

My bedroom is a Willow only zone, I have wegded the door open with a box that Willow can jump over but keeps Asha out. As for food, yes Asha has kitten food but I haven't seen Willow eating it, though she has just done another custard pooh :( How do you prevent that anyway? If they were cats that cleared the bowl when I put it down it would be easy, but both are grazers that have food down constantly and keep coming back for bite every now and then.

The kitten wears herself out quite quickly so tomorrow I will make of point of putting her to sleep in a seperate room and giving Willow more one to one time. Fingers crossed as I so want this to work for them

Offline Smudgey

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Re: New kitten has upset Willow
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2008, 22:18:57 PM »
Persevere 2 weeks isn't very long if they are nose to nose drinking and sleepnig close by they sound like they are doing well
Just a thought is kitten on kitten food??? could Willow have eaten some of that and that upset her tummy??
 Good luck hope she settles again   

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: New kitten has upset Willow
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2008, 19:10:43 PM »
2 weeks isnt very long but only you know how things are   :hug:

1) Willow is a calm, timid cat while Asha is very boisterous and bold as a lion, she's into everything and immediately pounces on any toy Willow shows an interest in which causes Willow to withdraw.

Sums up kittens very well, which is why often they dont make good companions for adult cats.

I would try to give Willow extra one to one time and then reassess.
Is there any where you can make an area that only Willow can access?

Offline Puffball (Louise)

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New kitten has upset Willow
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2008, 01:00:07 AM »
Oh dear, I thought things were going so well but Willow is just not happy since Asha arrived  :scared: Long post sorry....

A couple of days after Asha's arrival she had a bad case of the runs, I figured it was stress but after 36 hours it was no better so off we went to the vets and after a course of antibiotics she is fine. The vet thought Willow's immune system would cope with whatever the kitten had but I was dragged out of bed by a commotion in the kitchen at 3am last Saturday. Willow was in a sorry state, her furry trousers and tail were well coated with nasties and after trying to catch her to sort it out so were the floor, walls, litter tray and most of me from the waist down  :sick:

I called the vet Saturday morning who said starve her for 24 hours and bring her in on Monday if no improvement. A trip to the vets is extremely stressful for Willow, she crouches down on the vet's table and visibly shakes in terror, sadly she had to go on Monday and is also on antibiotics. After getting home she didn't use her litter tray even to pee for 48 hours so the poor darling had to go back again on Wednesday. The vet said her bowel was still empty and bladder soft and only half full so it seemed stress related rather than medical. I bought another litter tray at the vet and put it in my bedroom (yuk!) as it's the only room that is still exclusively Willow's domain. She sniffed it then went straight to her usual tray and did a huge wee and a pooh GRRRR  :rofl:

I thought I had done all the right things in introducing them slowly but Willow just doesn't seem herself, it could be the tummy bug but I think it's more likely Asha being here that's upset her. Willow finishes her antibiotics tomorrow but just an hour ago did a pooh the consistency of custard when she normally passes sticks of chalk! I'm not sure what to do about it but here are what I think are the problems:

1) Willow is a calm, timid cat while Asha is very boisterous and bold as a lion, she's into everything and immediately pounces on any toy Willow shows an interest in which causes Willow to withdraw.
2) Apart from a wet meal at night Willow has dry food in interactive feeding toys that make her work for it, the kitten explores all these, tries some of Willow's food and leaves her smell so Willow hasn't eaten much the last week (could also be the stomach bug). This morning I left Willow's food in little piles around the bedroom instead and she's eaten them, she'll also eat her wet meal if I spoon feed her  :sneaky:
3) Asha is fasinated by the rubber anti-tracking mat outside Willow's litter tray... could her smell there be putting Willow off using it?
4) It's easy to spend time with Asha as she always wants attention and Willow defers to her, but if I try to concentrate on Willow it's impossible unless I put Asha in another room... that's fine if she's sleeping but if awake she cries and Willow will ignore me and sit the other side of the door to Asha listening.
5) Asha keeps climbing up on my lap when I watch TV and Willow looks most upset about it even though she is not a lap cat herself. I make a point of putting Asha down after a few minutes and going to stroke Willow, but Asha is very determined and comes back the second my bum hits the sofa
6) Until the last few days Willow has never been a vocal cat but now gives a pitiful miaow and sits looking at me all big eyed and sorrowful
7) When Asha had her tummy trouble she had an involuntary emission behind the sofa which I took great pains to clean, her only mistake... until today. Asha slept in the living room last night and I found another deposit under the sofa this morning, could this be smell or because Willow tends to be quite active and prowl the flat at night. Did she scare the kitten enough to keep her out of her tray?

On the plus side they will go up to each other nose to nose sniffing, I have seen them drinking from the same water bowl at the same time, they were sleeping within 18inches of each other today and I think they play a bit... though I am concerned when I see Willow chasing Asha and pouncing at her. Asha is never hurt and crouches down or runs away but it's looks quite agressive to me. This is the only time Asha defers to Willow (I guess size matters!).

Maybe time will resolve things but I am worried for both cats... that Willow seems so stressed and that this may lead to her hurting the kitten when she's annoying her. Sorry again for the mammoth post but I wanted to give as much info as possible, any advice please? btw... it will be 2 weeks tomorrow since the kitten arrived, maybe I have rushed things when I  tried to be patient but I see no way of putting Asha in a separate room again now, she would be very unhappy about it.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 01:21:44 AM by puffball »


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