Hello everyone - I thought I should update!
Zooplus calls it a "petmaster' on their site. However, when I checked the actual water fountain itself, it says 'petmate.' So yes, it's the petmate one! Clears up a *bit* of confusion!
This morning, we fiddled a bit with the little white arm thing on the motor - y'know, the thing that sticks out into the water bowl. This changes the flow, it would seem. (who was it laughing at the earlier 'technical' language!?
. . .) I then topped up the water in the main bowl until it was right at the brim. The reservoir thingy at the back is permanently empty (no matter how many times I fill it - fiddly thing that it is) and the bowl is brim full. Is this right?
Anyway, the sound is not quite as loud and we have, throughout the day, seen all three cats drink from it. Well, two definitely drink, the other dafty just becoming transfixed with the ripples. . . . . and that's the battle won, I think!
Thanks for all your help and advice!
(just noticed the Drinkwell is £8 off until 18th August - I think Wilf would have preferred this one as it's more tap like . .. . oh well!)