Author Topic: Professional photos - good or bad?  (Read 1722 times)

Offline maccat

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Re: Professional photos - good or bad?
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2008, 18:22:12 PM »
we have had frankie for over 3 months now and have amazing photos (taken by us), put them in photoshop and play around and its gret to get different effects. I guess £120 is a lot of money.  we have spent 500+ euros on Frankie so far so personally £120 may be better spent on vacinations and food), and therefore I would say not for me.  at the end of the day it's personal preference people spend it on kids photos why not pets!

do you have any more to share?

Offline kymberleyc

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Professional photos - good or bad?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2008, 18:07:35 PM »
Just thought id let you into my experience of this upcoming craze! are you for or against!!??

So all my friends have done it and i wasn't sure :Crazy:, they had taken their cats to a local photographer and had them pose on all sorts of objects. although it wasn't cheap and came at about £120 with a picture included, i did it! I took my gorgeous girl Millie, now theres one thing about Millie she LOVES/ADORES camera flashes. if you taking a photo and the flash goes she changes position every time, like a model!. so i thought Millie might actually enjoy it! So when i got there they asked me what i wanted; a playful scene, a sleeping one or a natural one. i picked natural and out he came (with his "assistant") with lots of cream fabric with little prints on of daisies etc. he put them in a corner and i placed millie gently on it. now naturally she was sniffing around and didn't know where she was but i sat with her for 10 mins stroked her, talked to her and calmed her down. so as soon as i had got Millie to relax and sit down, he started snapping away.. at first Mill just sat there shutting her eyes or looking at me everytime the flash went. but after a while (and encouragement from mummy and daddy!lol) i noticed this smile crept around her cheeks and she looked like she was loving it! it lasted for about 35 minutes, at the end he told me he'd forward on all the pictures and i can request which one i liked best by phone! He gave Millie some catnip drops which all cats love and Milllie was quite content. i requested a picture in a black and white canvas so i could put it in my new living room, the picture is below and i think its wonderful. Yes i did think it was silly when all my friends were doing it but after all it wasn't so bad. My cat enjoyed it i don't think I'm abusing her, if they like it isn't that all that matters?
Mummy to Millie xoxox


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