This striking puss cat we have named Panda.
She was found wondering in a main road in Canterbury in late May. Panda was not at all well, she came in very underweight with a huge abscess on her side that had become infected and lead to a very high temperature. Since May she had been under veterinary care having to endure a operation to clearn infection and then being on a long course of antibotics, but now she has turned a corner has put on some weight and is currently not receiving any veterinary treatment, so we think she is about ready to go to a nice new home
We orginally thought Panda was a senior girl, but since having some decent food and TLC we estimate her age to be around 5yr years old and has probably been owned by someone in the past as her character is very laid back and she just wants to sit on your lap all day.
She is a very affectionate puss cat, she is currently with one of our fosterers who has young kiddies of her own and seems to be fine round children. Although she does like to go outside Panda is more a puss that decided that the comfort of a sofa on a windowsill is much nicer and she does not strike us as a cat that will wander far..
She is still abit underweight, but decent regulary food will build her up in no time. We are not sure how she is with other cats, she has no experience with dogs.
Panda would make a lovely family puss and would be fine if you were out at work during the day, she is very loving and tolerant.
She was spayed prior to coming into our care, will be fully vac and chipped before rehoming.
She is currently being cared for by one of our fosterers who lives in Canterbury, kent
Think about giving a donation if you adopt a cat from us, as in doing so you help us rehomed and help more cats that don"t have loving owners to care for them. As with all CP cats homechecks need to be carried out and if you dont live in our area then you may need to co operation from your local CP branch or rescue to do that, we also request if we can speak to your current vet as well.