Hi folks,
To attach pics you need to click on the browse button next to Attach. The images must be less than 30k in filesize and you can only attach 2 pics.
There's a great program that you can sownload free called "JPEG optimizer" from the link below. I've used it for years and it's excellent. I used Photoshop to make two montages at 800x600 pixels each of four pictures and then used the optimizer program to reduce their file sizes to less than 30k each.
http://www.xat.com/internet_technology/download.htmlI'm so pleased that Frankie has settled in so well in such a short time, Alfie and him are virtually inseperable and Alfie's been showing him around and all his favourite passtimes which include his favourite spot on the worksurface near the Kitchen window. Frankie is starting to use that scratch mat after Alfie showed him as it saves him scratching the edges of the rug
. I got out the catnip the other evening and they both went potty, Frankie was really spaced-out after eating it