Donations - what donations? We only get donations when we home. Its been quiet on the homing front for the last month - not many enquiries though we've had a shortage of homeable cats having had so many pregnant and kittens.
Some people need little excuse to dump their pets. I rarely go into a house that does not have a huge plasma TV and funky sound equipment - apart from the people I visit in the cat fraternity of course. Go round the poorest estates and you see large 4X4s parked up in front gardens, everyone walking round with mobile phones... and people plead proverty. For them poverty may be not being able to borrow more money to make the latest purchase that they don't need or get the new Xbox , Wii or designer clothes.
At 50, I can remember some bad points in my childhood when my father (who has cancer at 39) refused to take any of the benefits he was entitled to. At 12, one school uniform, weekly bath at the local baths and entertainment was the library, playing in the street and an old second hand black and white telly in the 60's. No central heating, when it got really cold we had a parrafin heater in the bedroom and you could pick the ice off the inside of the bedroom windows.
My mother has stories going back to the 1940's when they chopped up old furniture to sell as firewood to buy food. 3 girls huddled in one bed under their coats through lack of blankets and only having stale bread in the house on Xmas day.
I know things have changed in many ways over the years and its pointless looking back and making comparisons really but people should really get real.....