I'm amazed you all thought they were kittens! - but when I look at the pic again, I can see what you mean LOL
Reynard - I don't think any of them would munch your toes, in fact they'd prob love it, I quite often rest my feet on 'em
ChrisB - i know what you mean about the broody thing - its such a long time since I've had kittens in the house, in fact Lucy (the creampoint in the pic) and Ben a bluepoint, not in the pic, were the last kittens - 9yrs ago! Since then its been adult cats, mostly rescues, and as I said, some ex-breeding girls. Milliie, a sealpoint persians was 15 when I adopted her, she was 19 when she had to be pts last year. This is her - very elegant!
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