Well Katie certainly gave as good as she got at the vets today, and lived up to her Tortie attitude
She scratched, bit, hissed and growled at everyone, they couldn't get the needle in to put in the anethetic in so had to use one in the back leg in the muscle... when I picked her up she even hissed at me
This is coming from the cat who follows me round like a dog, sleeps on the bed, and is the biggest softie in the world normally!
They took lots of x-rays and it turns out that they can't see anything wrong!!! It's probably a small ligament damage or knock, or the beginnings of athritis, but nothing to worry about
I feel bad that I put her through it as she's barely looking at me now, but at least I know and it's kind of kicked me up the bum to try and make her lose some weight so that's a good thing!
I'm relieved, but will be glad when she's back to normal as she's still really wide eyed and her haws are really high poor thing