Author Topic: Synoquin  (Read 2409 times)

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2008, 13:44:59 PM »
Just had a promotional email from VetUK and thought you might be interested as it's for a "palatable" (yeah right! ;)) supplement for arthritis and it's on special offer.

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2008, 17:01:11 PM »
Thanks for all the replies I really appreciate it, and so will Mogs as Ive decided to stop the capsules. Its stressing her so much it doesnt seem fair so Ive bought some senior biscuits from PAH which have glucosimine in and some senior treats. They also have a liquid version I may try. To be honest shes on these things as I mentioned to the vet that last time she was in the cattery (xmas) Helen who runs it told me she'd found Mogs at the top of the ramp yelling to go down and then later at the bottom yelling to go up. Now the food, tray,and beds are all on the same level so its not a huge problem. Mogs has never been a jumping cat but she can when she wants if you know what I mean. I think until she starts getting very stiff I will hold back on the capsules.
Thanks again

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2008, 16:34:06 PM »
Alot of healthfood glucosamine is sulphate, thats the cheap less effective type. Always look for hydrochloride  ;D

Offline sheryl

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2008, 16:27:53 PM »
My Mums dog is on Glucosomine (sp) and their vet told them to get if from a health food shop because it is so much cheaper - may be worth checking with your vet
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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2008, 16:14:32 PM »
Gill cosequin is a palatable supplement designed to go into food  ;D if a drug is not to be crushed/mixed they are normally thickly coated and have  'LA' or 'enteric coated' on them. I worked in a pharmacy production area and occasionally we had to grind and add diluent to enteric coated tablets and boy were they a princess  :tired:

Cosequin is very effective for Lola  :wow:

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2008, 21:27:22 PM »
Synoquin and Cosequin only work after quite a few weeks (if at all) I think and don't know when Mogs due to go to cattery. I understand green lipped muscle, which comes in smallish tablets, is well thought of (recommended by our vet) and some cats like them (unfortunately not our Tom).  TBH I wouldn't be stressing her out if the arthritis isn't that bad. Doesn't sound like she is in too much pain if it's not that noticeable.

Our Tom suffers discomfort with arthritis in his back legs.  I tried the above but didn't like upsetting him and now use metacam when he seems to need it.

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2008, 19:55:20 PM »
You have to be careful with some capsules cos the contents are not meant to be taken just as powder and could cause damage. a bit like grinding ones up that have a coatiing.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2008, 17:12:22 PM »
Try cosequin, its a smaller capsule but you open and sprinkle into food  ;D

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2008, 17:08:11 PM »
Thanks for the ideas. I'll have a look at the treats at PAH they might be easier as its complementary not essential. They are capsules so I cant break in half as they are filled with powder. The problem with something like raw beef is that its not something I could send to the cattery with her. I did think of mixing it with prawns as she loves them but its just not practical lol
Im not sure pill pockets would work as I used to give her a 1/4 of her other tablet hidden in a treat and she sussed it and unwrapped the thing or refused to eat it.

Offline koscha (Ruth M)

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2008, 16:40:24 PM »
Have you looked at the pill pockets on vet uk? i'm considering using them for worming meds.
Why do they insist on giving out what refer to as 'horse tablets', I would try breaking it in half, unfortunatley that means you have to repeat the procedure twice each time ! :Crazy:
Does she like cream cheese? Or the beef sounds a good idea  ;)
I've noticed that PAH do glucosamine enriched treats in their own brand range, I give them to my guys, goes down a treat!
Just a few thoughts...feel free to ignore any ramblings you've already tried  ;)

Offline Angiew

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2008, 16:07:41 PM »
no experience of this but would it be easier in halves or quarters?
Have you tried a bit of raw beef. perhaps 4 little spiked bits will be easier.

It always amazes me how large some of the cat meds are - I'm sure companies could do more to make smaller pills!

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2008, 15:46:06 PM »
I have a pill pusher thing but the capsule is too big to stay in the end properly so it takes a few attempts to give it whole.

Offline Kirst

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Re: Synoquin
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2008, 15:24:45 PM »
When I went to the vets last week they had some sort of Pill giving gadget on sale , looked a bit like an old fashioned syringe. I cant remember the name of it now but will try to find out for you.

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« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2008, 14:56:01 PM »
Last check up the vet said Mogs might have a bit of arthritis not enough to notice but she doesnt jump much so the vet suggested synoquin glucosmine. Now the capsules are huge so I dont want to shove them down her throat really. I mixed it with a bit of food but Mogs refused to touch it so I ended up grabbibg her and wiping it down her tongue. Next I tried mixing the powder with water and syringing it in which worked but Mogs keeps going to hide. Mogs has a tablet in the morning with no problem so a couple of days Ive just put the thing down her throat while Ive got hold of her but this morning she sicked it back, there was a bit of fur ball in there as well so Im not sure if that was the cause.
Has anyone tried or used an alternative which is smaller or got any ideas? It has to be something I can send to the cattery with them so tuna or something wont work. Im going back to the syringe in the mean time but a daily fight isnt much fun when shes so good normally.
Any help would be great


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